†family Cyathophoridae Vaughan and Wells 1943 (stony coral)

Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Cyathophoridae

Parent taxon: Stylinina according to H. Löser 2006

See also Baron-Szabo 2003

Sister taxa: Agatheliidae, Cladophylliidae, Euheliidae, Euhellidae, Stylinidae

Subtaxa: Amphiphora Columellophora Cryptocoenia Cyathophora Elasmophora Holocystis Pentacoenia Pseudocoenia

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Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal photosymbiotic-suspension feeder


• Cretaceous of Austria (5 collections), Azerbaijan (1), Bulgaria (9), Chile (1), China (4), the Czech Republic (9), France (5), Georgia (2), Germany (7), Greece (9), Hungary (1), India (1), Iran (3), Japan (5), Madagascar (2), Mexico (11), Poland (7), Romania (4), Serbia and Montenegro (9), Slovenia (2), Spain (13), Switzerland (3), Tanzania (1), Trinidad and Tobago (1), Turkmenistan (2), Ukraine (3), the United Kingdom (4), United States (2: Texas), Venezuela (1)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of China (1)

• Jurassic of Algeria (4), Azerbaijan (5), Bulgaria (2), China (1), the Czech Republic (6), France (12), Georgia (6), Germany (13), Greece (2), India (1), Indonesia (3), Iran (2), Italy (4), Madagascar (1), Morocco (4), Poland (5), Portugal (20), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (3), Saudi Arabia (1), Slovenia (1), Spain (3), Switzerland (3), Thailand (1), Tunisia (2), Turkmenistan (1), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (9), Uzbekistan (2)

Total: 247 collections including 375 occurrences

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