†order Caytoniales

Ginkgoopsida - Caytoniales

Parent taxon: Ginkgoopsida according to S. V. Meyen 1984

See also Lapasha and Miller 1985 and Taylor et al. 2008

Sister taxa: Asterophyllum, Calamopityales, Callistophytales, Czekanowskiales, Dactylophyllum, Ephedrales, Ginkgoales, Karkeniales, Leptostrobales, Linguifolium, Pentoxylales, Umaltolepididae

Subtaxa: Amphorispermum Caytoniaceae Gristhorpia Microcheiris Pseudosagenopteris Scoresbya Vitreisporites

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• Eocene of Antarctica (1 collection), Australia (1), United States (6: California)

• Paleocene of United States (1: California)

• Cretaceous of Antarctica (13), Argentina (6), Australia (13), the Bahamas (6), Belgium (1), Brazil (1), Canada (17: Alberta, British Columbia), Chile (4), China (2), Germany (1), Greenland (2), India (1), the Russian Federation (5), United States (19: Montana, North Dakota)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Argentina (1), Canada (2: British Columbia), India (2), Peru (1)

• Jurassic of Afghanistan (1), Antarctica (2), Argentina (12), Azerbaijan (1), Belarus (1), Canada (1: Yukon), China (21), Colombia (1), France (2), Georgia (10), Germany (1), Greenland (9), India (5), Iran (2), Italy (1), Japan (2), Kazakhstan (4), Kyrgyzstan (2), Mexico (3), Poland (3), Portugal (1), Romania (13), the Russian Federation (20), Serbia and Montenegro (2), Tajikistan (8), Turkmenistan (1), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (35), United States (3: Alaska, Montana, Oregon/Idaho), Uzbekistan (2)

• Triassic to Jurassic of Sweden (1), the United Kingdom (1)

• Triassic of Antarctica (1), Argentina (2), Australia (1), Canada (1: Alberta), China (17), Germany (1), Greenland (9), Iran (1), Ireland (3), Israel (2), Italy (2), Japan (2), Kyrgyzstan (1), Mexico (1), the Netherlands (2), Norway (7), the Russian Federation (4), Sweden (2), Tajikistan (2), Ukraine (2), United States (3: New Mexico, Virginia, Virginia/North Carolina)

• Rotliegendes of Norway (1)

• Permian of Antarctica (1), Germany (7), India (4), Italy (1), Norway (2), Poland (5), the Russian Federation (1)

• Carboniferous of Canada (1: Nova Scotia)

Total: 367 collections including 445 occurrences

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