†family Theciidae Milne-Edwards and Haime 1849 (tabulate coral)

Anthozoa - Favositida - Theciidae

Parent taxon: Favositina according to E. Klaamann 1964

See also Murray 1985

Sister taxa: Favositoidea, Pachyporoidea, Schizophoritidae

Subtaxa: Corrugopora Erlangbapora Fossopora Fossoporella Kiaerites Laceripora Palaeocorolites Paracorrugopora Romingerella Thecia Thecipora

View classification

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder-photosymbiotic


• Devonian of Australia (4 collections), the Russian Federation (1), Tajikistan (2), Vietnam (2)

• Jaani of Estonia (7)

• Silurian of Canada (8: Manitoba, Nunavut, Quebec), China (3), the Czech Republic (3), Estonia (8), Norway (6), the Russian Federation (11), Sweden (11), Ukraine (9), the United Kingdom (3), United States (3: California, Indiana, Kentucky)

• Ordovician of Canada (3: Manitoba), China (1)

Total: 85 collections including 98 occurrences

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