Family Lycosidae Sundevall 1833 (wolf spider)

Arachnida - Araneae - Lycosidae

Parent taxon: Lycosoidea according to W. C. Wheeler et al. 2017

See also Dunlop et al. 2013 and Petrunkevitch 1922

Sister taxa: Ctenidae, Insecutoridae, Korearachne, Oxyopidae, Parattidae, Pisauridae, Succinomidae, Thomisidae, Trechaleidae

Subtaxa: Alopecosa Dryadia Lycosa Pardosa Pirata Trochosa

View classification

Type: Lycosa



• Quaternary of Italy (1 collection), the United Kingdom (2)

• Pliocene of Germany (1)

• Miocene of China (1), Germany (1), United States (1: California)

• Eocene of United States (1: Colorado)

Total: 8 collections including 16 occurrences

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