†Plesiolacerta lydekkeri Hoffstetter 1942 (squamates)
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Reptilia - Squamata - Lacertidae
Belongs to Plesiolacerta according to M. L. Augé 2005
Sister taxon: Plesiolacerta eratosthenesi
Type specimen: BMNH No. 32 840a, a set of vertebrae (dorsal vertebrae). Its type locality is Hordle Cliff Mammal Beds, which is in a MP 17A/MP 17B terrestrial horizon in the Headon Hill Formation of the United Kingdom.
Ecology: ground dwelling insectivore-carnivore
• Oligocene of France (1 collection)
• Eocene to Miocene of France (1)
• Eocene of France (14), the United Kingdom (1)
Total: 17 collections including 18 occurrences
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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