Bivalvia - Pholadomyida - Edmondiidae
Synonym: Allorismatidae Beurlen 1954
Full reference: W. King. 1850. Monograph of the Permian fossils of England. Palaeontographical Society 1-253
Parent taxon: Edmondioidea according to J. G. Carter et al. 2011
See also Amler 2010, Bouchet et al. 2010, Morris et al. 1991, Nevesskaja 2009, Newell 1965 and Vokes 1980
Sister taxa: Megadesmidae, Pachydomidae
Subtaxa: Allorisma Edmondia Globicarina Notomya Scaldia
Type: Edmondia
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder
• Triassic of Italy (1 collection), Slovenia (1)
• Permian of Argentina (1), Australia (9), Bolivia (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina (3), Canada (1: Nunavut), China (22), Croatia (1), Greece (1), India (2), Indonesia (1), Italy (12), Japan (8), Lithuania (1), Madagascar (1), Mexico (1), Mongolia (2), New Zealand (5), Oman (3), Pakistan (6), Peru (1), the Russian Federation (11), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), the United Kingdom (8), United States (65: Arizona, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming)
• Namurian of Egypt (1)
• Carboniferous of Argentina (2), Australia (1), Belize (2), Canada (2: Nova Scotia, Yukon), China (4), the Czech Republic (1), Egypt (1), Ireland (2), Mexico (10), the Russian Federation (1), the United Kingdom (27), United States (147: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming)
• Devonian of Brazil (1), China (1), Germany (2), Poland (1), Spain (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (11: California, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvannia, Virginia, West Virginia)
• Silurian of China (2), Poland (3), the Russian Federation (2), the United Kingdom (1)
• Ordovician of Canada (2: Manitoba), China (1), the United Kingdom (1)
Total: 400 collections including 469 occurrences