Gastropoda - Sorbeoconcha - Hipponicidae
Parent taxon: Hipponicoidea according to P. Bouchet et al. 2017
See also Adegoke 1977, Beesley 1998, Bouchet et al. 2005, Harris and Palmer 1947, Harzhauser 2004, Ponder and Warén 1988 and Todd 2001
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Cheilea Eoatlanta Gnaszynium Hipponix Krebsia Rothpletzia Sabia
Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal grazer-suspension feeder
• Quaternary of Australia (5 collections), the Bahamas (3), Bermuda (3), Cayman Islands (3), Costa Rica (2), Cuba (1), Djibouti (1), Ecuador (4), Jamaica (1), Japan (4), Kenya (2), Mexico (34), New Zealand (2), Peru (1), Spain (2), United States (65: California, Florida, Hawaii), Venezuela (1)
• Pliocene of the Dominican Republic (4), Ecuador (2), Fiji (3), Indonesia (2), Jamaica (6), Japan (2), Mexico (1), Portugal (1), Trinidad and Tobago (2), United States (4: California, Florida), Venezuela (1)
• Miocene to Pliocene of the Dominican Republic (1)
• Miocene of Algeria (5), Argentina (2), Australia (2), Austria (1), the Dominican Republic (6), Fiji (2), France (4), Grenada (2), India (2), Italy (7), Japan (1), the Marshall Islands (14), Panama (2), Poland (1), South Africa (1), Trinidad and Tobago (1), United States (9: California, Florida), Vanuatu (1), Venezuela (1)
• Oligocene to Miocene of United States (2: Florida)
• Oligocene of Argentina (3), Germany (1), Iran (1), New Zealand (3), Pakistan (1)
• Eocene of Bulgaria (1), Egypt (2), France (10), Germany (2), Italy (1), New Zealand (1), Panama (1), United States (99: Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington)
• Paleocene of Belgium (1), Denmark (2), Egypt (1), France (1), Greenland (3), Nigeria (1), Poland (2), Puerto Rico (1), United States (1: California)
• Cretaceous of Angola (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (2: California)
• Jurassic of Poland (1)
• Silurian of Sweden (1)
Total: 374 collections including 444 occurrences