Berardius arnuxii Duvernoy 1851 (Arnoux's beaked whale)

Mammalia - Cetacea - Ziphiidae

Alternative combinations: Berardius arnouxi, Berardius arnuxi

Full reference: M. Duvernoy. 1851. Memoire sure les characteres osteologiques des genres nouveaus ou des especesnouvelles de cetaces vivants out fossiles. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 15:1-71

Belongs to Berardius according to J. G. Mead and R. L. Brownell 2005

See also Duvernoy 1851, Fordyce 1991, Gray 1866, Gray 1868, Gray 1871, Gray 1873, Hershkovitz 1966, Huxley 1864, Moore 1968, Oliver 1922, Rice 1998, Scheffer and Rice 1963, Scott 1873, Trouessart 1904 and Van Beneden and Gervais 1880

Sister taxa: Berardius bairdii, Berardius kobayashii, Berardius minimus

Type specimen: MNHN, a skull (skull). Its type locality is Akaroa, which is in a Holocene coastal horizon in New Zealand.

Ecology: aquatic piscivore-carnivore


• Quaternary of Antarctica (1 collection), Argentina (1), Australia (2), Chile (1), New Zealand (1), South Africa (2)

Total: 8 collections each including a single occurrence

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