Reptilia - Theropoda - Grallatoridae
Invalid subtaxa: Aetonychopus Ellenberger 1972, Agailopous Branson and Mehl 1932, Agialopous Branson and Mehl 1932, Chongqingpus Yang and Yang 1987, Chuanchengpus Yang and Yang 1987, Kainotrisauropus Ellenberger 1970, Plastisauropus Ellenberger 1972, Platysauropus Ellenberger 1970 [replaced name], Prototrisauropus Ellenberger 1965, Qemetrisauropus Ellenberger 1970
Full reference: E. Hitchcock. 1858. Ichnology of New England. A Report on the Sandstone of the Connecticut Valley, Especially its Fossil Footmarks, Made to the Government of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts xii-214
Parent taxon: Grallatoridae according to H. Klein and S. G. Lucas 2021
See also Baird 1954, Baird 1957, Bock 1952, Branson and Mehl 1932, Castanera et al. 2020, Dalman 2012, Demathieu and Haubold 1972, Ellenberger 1970, Ellenberger 1972, Ellenberger 1974, Gierlinski 1991, Gierlinski 1996, Gierlinski and Ahlberg 1994, Gierlinski et al. 2009, Haderer 1988, Haubold 1969, Haubold 1971, Haubold 1974, Heckert and Lucas 2000, Hitchcock 1898, Hitchcock and Grier 1927, Hunt et al. 1998, Hunt and Lucas 2007, Knoll 2005, Kuhn 1958, Kuhn 1963, Lapparent and Montenat 1967, Leonardi and Mietto 2000, Lockley 1992, Lockley et al. 2013, Lucas et al. 2006, Lucas et al. 2006, Lull 1904, Lull 1915, Lull 1917, Lull 1953, Madsen and Miller 1979, Milner et al. 2009, Niedźwiedzki 2011, Olsen and Galton 1984, Peng et al. 2005, Quenstedt 1882, Rainforth 2007, Romero Molina et al. 2003, Taquet 1977, Tsukiji et al. 2019, Vignaud et al. 1994, Weishampel 2006, Xing et al. 2013, Xing et al. 2021, Yang and Yang 1987, Zhen et al. 1986 and Zhen et al. 1989
Sister taxa: Anchisauripus, Atreipus, Banisterobates, Dilophosauripus, Eubrontes, Iguanodonopus, Pengxianpus
Subtaxa: Agialopous wyomingensis Chongqingpus microiscus Chuanchengpus wuhuangensis Grallator (Grallator) Grallator andeolensis Grallator angustidigitus Grallator anietangensis Grallator anserinum Grallator crassidigitus Grallator cursorius Grallator damanei Grallator deambulator Grallator digitigradus Grallator emeiensis Grallator graciosus Grallator lacunensis Grallator lambereshei Grallator leribeensis Grallator lescurei Grallator limnosus Grallator limosus Grallator matsiengensis Grallator maximus Grallator minimus Grallator minor Grallator mokanametsongensis Grallator molapoi Grallator morijensis Grallator moshoeshoei Grallator olonensis Grallator palustris Grallator pingchuanensis Grallator princeps Grallator rapidus Grallator rectilineus Grallator rectus Grallator sauclierensis Grallator socialis Grallator ssatoi Grallator tenuis Grallator tuberosus Grallator variabilis Grallator yangi Grallator yemiaoxiensis Plastisauropus ingens Platysauropus robustus Prototrisauropus deambulator Prototrisauropus gardonensis
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore
• Cretaceous of Argentina (1 collection), Brazil (2), China (14), South Korea (1), United States (4: Alaska, Colorado, Maryland, New Mexico)
• Jurassic to Cretaceous of China (6)
• Jurassic of Argentina (2), Australia (1), Canada (4: Nova Scotia), China (15), France (12), Germany (1), Hungary (1), India (1), Italy (1), Lesotho (17), Mexico (1), Namibia (1), Poland (4), South Africa (2), the United Kingdom (2), United States (95: Arizona, Arizona/Utah, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia)
• Triassic to Jurassic of Algeria (1), United States (10: Arizona, Utah)
• Triassic of Australia (1), Brazil (1), Canada (3: Nova Scotia), France (11), Germany (3), Greenland (1), Italy (3), Lesotho (4), Morocco (4), Poland (2), South Africa (2), Switzerland (1), the United Kingdom (2), United States (83: Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming)
Total: 320 collections including 431 occurrences
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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