Mammalia - Cetacea - Delphinidae
Alternative combinations: Delphinus melaena, Delphinus melas, Globicephala melaena, Globicephalus melas
Synonyms: Delphinus carbonarius Wagner 1846, Delphinus deductor Scoresby 1820, Delphinus globiceps Cuvier 1812, Delphinus grampus Gray 1846, Delphinus grinda Lyngbye 1825, Delphinus intermedius Harlan 1872, Globicephala edwardii Smith 1834, Globicephala indica Blythe 1852, Globicephala leucosagmaphora Rayner 1939, Globicephalus chilensis Philippi 1896, Globicephalus conductor Rapp 1837, Globicephalus edwardsii Gray 1866, Globicephalus globiceps Cuvier 1812, Globicephalus indicus Blyth 1852, Globicephalus intermedius Gray 1827, Globicephalus svineval Gray 1846, Globiocephalus affinis Gray 1846, Globiocephalus edwardsii Smith 1834, Globiocephalus incrassatus Gray 1861, Globiocephalus indicus Blyth 1852, Globiocephalus svineval Gray 1846, Grampus affinis Gray 1866, Phocaena edwardii Smith 1834, Phocaena globiceps Lesson 1827, Sphaerocephalus incrassatus Gray 1866
Belongs to Globicephala according to T. A. Jefferson 2021
See also Agnarsson and May-Collado 2008, De Kay 1842, Fischer 1829, Gervais 1852, Gray 1846, Gray 1850, Gray 1864, Gray 1866, Gray 1868, Gray 1871, Gray 1846, Hershkovitz 1961, Hershkovitz 1966, Lydekker 1887, Mead and Brownell 2005, Nilsson 1847, Oliver 1922, Palmer 1904, Perrin et al. 2013, Rice 1998, Scheffer and Rice 1963, Scott 1873, Trouessart 1904, Turner 1912, Uhen et al. 2008 and Van Bree 1971
Sister taxa: Globicephala etruriae, Globicephala macrorhynchus, Globicephala uncidens, Globicephalus chinensis, Globicephalus karsteni, Globiocephalus guadaloupensis
Subtaxa: Globicephala melaena melaena
Type specimens:
- Globicephala melas: BMNH 363a-, lectotype, a skull. Its type locality is Scapa Bay, which is in a Holocene estuary/bay horizon in the United Kingdom.
- Delphinus carbonarius:
- Delphinus deductor:
- Delphinus globiceps: Its type locality is Nagasaki, which is in a Holocene coastal horizon in Japan.
- Delphinus grampus:
- Delphinus grinda:
- Delphinus intermedius:
- Globicephala edwardii:
- Globicephala indica:
- Globicephala leucosagmaphora:
- Globicephalus chilensis:
- Globicephalus conductor:
- Globicephalus edwardsii:
- Globicephalus indicus:
- Globicephalus intermedius:
- Globicephalus svineval:
- Globiocephalus affinis:
- Globiocephalus edwardsii:
- Globiocephalus incrassatus:
- Grampus affinis:
- Phocaena globiceps:
- Sphaerocephalus incrassatus:
Ecology: aquatic piscivore-carnivore
• Quaternary of Antarctica (1 collection), Italy (1), Spain (1), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), the United Kingdom (5)
• Miocene to Pleistocene of the Netherlands (1)
Total: 10 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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