Reptilia - Squamata - Crotalidae
Full reference: S. Bolkay. 1913. Additions to the Fossil Herpetology of Hungary from the Pannonian and Preglacial Periode. Mitteilungen aus dem Jahrbuche der Kgl. Ungarischen Geologischen Reichsanstalt XXI(7):216-230
Belongs to Macrovipera according to M. Venczel 1994
Sister taxa: Vipera (Macrovipera) sarmatica, Vipera (Macrovipera) ukrainica
Type specimen: HGI Ob-4467/Vt.74, a partial skull (82 isolated skull bones, 25 fragmentary compound bones and 206 isolated venom fangs). Its type locality is Polgárdi 2, which is in a MN 13 sinkhole /limestone in Hungary.
• Miocene of Hungary (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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