Reptilia - Squamata - Crotalidae
Alternative spellings: Crotalinae, Crotalinae
Full reference: M. Oppel. 1811. Die Ordnungen, Familien und Gattungen der Reptilien als Prodom einer Naturgeschichte Derselben. Joseph Lindauer, München xii-86
Parent taxon: Colubroidea according to O. W. M. Kuhn 1966
See also Cope 1871, Cope 1875, Gadow 1898, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Ikeda et al. 2016, Kuhn 1946, Olson 1940, Oppel 1811, Parmley and Holman 2007, Parmley and Hunter 2010, Perrier 1928, Rage 1984 and Zittel 1890
Sister taxa: Anomalophiidae, Elapidae, Headonophis, Lamprophiidae, Procerophis, Rhabdosomidae, Russellopheidae, Vectophis, Viperidae
Subtaxa: Agkistrodon Aploaspis Caudisonia Crotalus Gloydius Protagras Protobothrops Sistrurus Trimeresurus Viperinae
• Quaternary of Belgium (1 collection), Bolivia (1), China (2), Colombia (1), France (8), Georgia (2), Germany (2), Greece (4), Japan (1), Mexico (2), the Netherlands (1), Poland (9), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Spain (13), Tanzania (4), the United Kingdom (5), United States (76: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia)
• Blancan of Mexico (1), United States (8: Kansas, Nebraska, Washington)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of France (1), Italy (1)
• Pliocene of Armenia (1), China (2), France (1), Greece (2), Hungary (2), Italy (2), Moldova (1), Morocco (1), Poland (4), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (9), Tanzania (3), Ukraine (5)
• MN 13 of Hungary (1), Ukraine (3)
• Hemphillian of United States (6: Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee)
• Miocene of Austria (2), the Czech Republic (4), France (10), Georgia (1), Germany (13), Greece (1), Hungary (8), Italy (4), Japan (1), Kazakhstan (1), Moldova (4), Morocco (1), Namibia (1), Poland (1), Portugal (1), Romania (3), the Russian Federation (2), Slovakia (1), Spain (4), Ukraine (7), United States (6: Delaware, Florida, Nebraska, Wyoming)
Total: 264 collections including 346 occurrences