Dugong dugon Illiger 1811 (dugong)

Mammalia - Sirenia - Dugongidae

Alternative combinations: Halicore dugong, Halicore dugung, Trichechus dugon

Synonyms: Dugong indicus Lacépède 1799, Halicore australe Owen 1847, Halicore australis Owen 1847, Halicore cetacea Heuglin 1877, Halicore hemprichi Ehrenberg 1832, Halicore hemprichii Ehrenberg 1832, Halicore lottum Ehrenberg 1832, Halicore tabernaculi Ruppell 1843, Trichechus dugung Erxleben 1777

Full reference: C. Illiger. 1811. Prodromus Systematis Mammalium et Avium

Belongs to Dugong according to M. Voss 2014

See also Abel 1904, Domning 1994, Domning 1996, Fischer 1829, Gray 1850, Gray 1866, Husar 1978, Illiger 1811, Lacépède 1799, Rice 1998, Scheffer and Rice 1963, Scott 1873, Trouessart 1898, Trouessart 1904, Turner 1912 and Woodward 1885

Sister taxa: none

Type specimens:

  • Dugong dugon: none designated
  • Dugong indicus:
  • Halicore australis:
  • Halicore cetacea:
  • Halicore hemprichii:
  • Halicore lottum:
  • Halicore tabernaculi:
  • Trichechus dugung:


• Quaternary of Australia (1 collection), New Caledonia (10)

Total: 11 collections each including a single occurrence

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