†family Pelagiellidae Knight 1952 (mollusk)

Helcionelloida - Pelagiellida - Pelagiellidae

Synonyms: Proeccyliopteridae Kobayashi 1962, Protoscaevogyridae Kobayashi 1962

Full reference: J. B. Knight. 1952. Primitive fossil gastropods and their bearing on gastropod classification. 117(13):1-56

Parent taxon: Pelagielloidea according to R. D. K. Thomas et al. 2020

See also Bouchet et al. 2005, Bouchet et al. 2017, Knight et al. 1960, Landing et al. 2002, Linsley and Kier 1984, Missarzhevsky 1989, Parkhaev 2001, Runnegar 1990 and Runnegar and Jell 1976

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Cambretina Costipelagiella Pelagiella Proeccyliopterus Tannuspira Tianzhushanospira

View classification

Type: Pelagiella

Ecology: epifaunal grazer


• Solvan of the Czech Republic (1 collection), Kazakhstan (1), Morocco (5), the Russian Federation (3)

• Amgan of the Russian Federation (2)

• Delamaran of Morocco (2)

• Placentian of United States (3: Massachusetts)

• Cambrian of Antarctica (10), Australia (67), Canada (12: Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Quebec), China (13), the Czech Republic (2), Germany (4), Greenland (14), India (1), Iran (1), Kyrgyzstan (2), Mexico (2), New Zealand (1), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (22), Spain (5), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), Turkey (1), the United Kingdom (4), United States (30: Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, Nevada and Utah, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, Wisconsin)

Total: 210 collections including 250 occurrences

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