†family Canoptidae Pessagno et al. 1979 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Nassellaria - Canoptidae

Alternative spelling: Canoptinae

Full reference: E. A. Pessagno, W. Finch, and P. L. Abbott. 1979. Upper Triassic Radiolaria from the San Hipólito Formation, Baja California. Micropaleontology 25(2):160-197

Parent taxon: Amphipyndacea according to P. De Wever et al. 2001

See also Zügel 1997

Sister taxa: Amphipyndacidae, Parvicingulidae, Spongocapsulidae, Syringocapsidae

Subtaxa: Canoptiinae Cinguloturris Laxtorum Neocanoptum Relanus

View classification

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore


• Cretaceous of Greece (1 collection), Italy (9), Japan (1), Oman (5), the Philippines (1), the Russian Federation (1)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Italy (3)

• Jurassic of Albania (3), Armenia (1), Canada (43: British Columbia), China (1), Germany (13), Hungary (1), Italy (18), Japan (36), Oman (13), the Philippines (2), Romania (5), the Russian Federation (17), Slovakia (5), Spain (2), Switzerland (2), Turkey (5)

• Triassic of Canada (26: British Columbia), Cyprus (1), Hungary (1), Japan (1), Nicaragua (1), Thailand (1), Turkey (9)

Total: 228 collections including 316 occurrences

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