Neurankylus eximius Lambe 1902 (turtle)

Reptilia - Testudinata - Baenidae

Synonyms: Baena fluviatilis Parks 1933, Charitemys captans Hay 1908, Thescelus fluviatilis Parks 1933

Full reference: L. M. Lambe. 1902. New genera and species from the Belly River Series (mid-Cretaceous). Geological Survey of Canada Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology 3(2):25-81

Belongs to Neurankylus according to T. R. Lyson et al. 2016

See also Bryant 1989, Gaffney 1972, Gilmore 1935, Hay 1908, Hay 1930, Holroyd and Hutchison 2002, Hutchison and Holroyd 2003, Joyce and Lyson 2015, Lambe 1902, Larson et al. 2013, Mateer 1981, Parks 1933, Perea et al. 2014, Sullivan et al. 2012 and Sullivan et al. 1988

Sister taxa: Neurankylus baueri, Neurankylus lithographicus, Neurankylus notos, Neurankylus torrejonensis

Type specimens:

  • Neurankylus eximius: CMN 1504, a partial shell (left costals 3, 5-9 (9 is anomalous); right costals 3, 4; 8th neural; and suprapygal). Its type locality is Neurankylus eximius type locality, which is in a Campanian terrestrial horizon in the Dinosaur Park? Formation of Canada.
  • Baena fluviatilis: ROM 854, a partial shell (partial shell, lacking much of left side and anterior edge). Its type locality is Sand Creek [ROM], which is in a Campanian terrestrial horizon in the Oldman Formation of Canada.
  • Charitemys captans: AMNH 6098, a partial shell (fragments of plastron and carapace). Its type locality is Charitemys captans type locality, which is in a Campanian/Campanian terrestrial horizon in the Judith River Formation of Montana.



• Cretaceous of Canada (6: Alberta collections), United States (3: Montana)

Total: 9 collections each including a single occurrence

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