Reptilia - Testudinata - Baenidae
Parent taxon: Paracryptodira according to W. J. Joyce et al. 2020
See also Anquetin 2012, Brinkman 2003, Brinkman 2013, Carroll 1988, Delair 1958, Estes 1964, Estes and Berberian 1970, Gaffney 1972, Gaffney 1975, Hay 1902, Hay 1908, Hay 1930, Holroyd and Hutchison 2002, Hutchison 2004, Hutchison and Holroyd 2003, Hutchison et al. 2013, Joyce 2007, Joyce and Anquetin 2019, Joyce and Lyson 2015, Joyce et al. 2004, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Lively 2015, Lively 2016, Lyson and Joyce 2010, Lyson and Joyce 2011, Lyson et al. 2019, Nopcsa 1928, Peng et al. 2001, Pérez-García 2012, Pérez-García et al. 2015, Pérez-García and Murelaga 2013, Pérez-García and Ortega 2011 and Sullivan et al. 2012
Sister taxa: Arundelemys, Baenoidea, Compsemydidae, Compsemys, Desmemys bertelmanni, Glyptops caelatus, Glyptops pervicax, Pleurosternidae, Polythorax, Polythorax missuriensis, Probaena sculpta
Subtaxa: Baena platyplastra Baeninae Baenodda Edowa Eubaena Gehennachelys Hayemydinae Hayemys Lakotemys Neurankylus Peckemys Probaena Protobaena Stygichelys Thescelus Thescelus hemispherica Trinitichelyinae Trinitichelys
Type: Baena