†family Heterocoeniidae Oppenheim 1930 (stony coral)

Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Heterocoeniidae

Parent taxon: Heterocoeniina according to E. Morycowa and D. Decrouez 2006

See also Baron-Szabo 2006 and Götz et al. 2005

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Acanthogyra Canleria Castiglionastrea Confusaforma Elasmocoenia Heterocoenia Heterosmilia Hexasmiliopsis Latusastrea Pachythecophyllia Styloheterocoenia

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Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal photosymbiotic-suspension feeder


• Eocene of Mexico (1 collection), Senegal (1)

• Paleocene of Slovakia (1)

• Cretaceous of Armenia (1), Austria (5), Bulgaria (3), China (2), the Czech Republic (3), France (5), Georgia (4), Germany (4), Greece (6), Hungary (1), Italy (5), Jamaica (1), Japan (12), Mexico (6), the Netherlands (3), Poland (5), Romania (2), Serbia and Montenegro (3), Slovenia (1), Spain (13), Switzerland (4), Tanzania (2), Turkmenistan (1), Ukraine (2), United States (2: Texas)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Japan (2), Poland (1)

• Jurassic of the Czech Republic (2), Ethiopia (2), France (1), Georgia (1), Germany (3), Iran (2), Italy (2), Japan (1), Lebanon (1), Poland (2), Portugal (3), Slovenia (2), Spain (1)

Total: 125 collections including 169 occurrences

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