Family Aethridae Dana 1851 (crab)

Malacostraca - Decapoda - Aethridae

Synonym: Hepatidae Stimpson 1871

Parent taxon: Aethroidea according to C. E. Schweitzer and R. M. Feldmann 2019

See also Ahyong et al. 2007, Casadio et al. 2005, Lima et al. 2023, Luque et al. 2017, Martin and Davis 2001, Schweitzer and Feldmann 2000, Schweitzer et al. 2006, Schweitzer et al. 2007, Schweitzer et al. 2010, Todd and Collins 2005 and Vega et al. 2001

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Actaeomorpha Aethra Drachiella Eohepatella Eriosachila Hepatella Hepatiscus Hepatus Ilerdapatiscus Latuxanthides Mainhepatiscus Miohepatus Osachila Politohepatiscus Priabonella Sakaila

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Ecology: epifaunal carnivore


• Quaternary of Costa Rica (1 collection), Jamaica (3), Panama (1), United States (5: California, Pennslyvania, Texas)

• Pliocene of Costa Rica (1), Jamaica (1), the Netherlands Antilles (1), Panama (7)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Colombia (1)

• Miocene of Argentina (3), Brazil (2), Chile (1), the Dominican Republic (7), Malaysia (1), Mexico (2), Panama (4), Trinidad and Tobago (1), Venezuela (4)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Cuba (2)

• Eocene of Egypt (1), Italy (13), Mexico (3), Pakistan (1), Panama (1), United States (11: Oregon, South Carolina, Washington), Venezuela (1)

• Paleogene of Mexico (2)

Total: 81 collections including 89 occurrences

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