†Argyrocetus joaquinensis Kellogg 1932 (toothed whale)
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Synonyms: Doliodelphis littlei Wilson 1935, Eurhinodelphis extensus Wilson 1935
Full reference: R. Kellogg. 1932. A Miocene long-beaked porpoise from California. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 87(2):1-11
Belongs to Argyrocetus according to O. Lambert et al. 2015
See also Barnes 1977, Kellogg 1932, Mitchell and Tedford 1973, Uhen et al. 2008 and Wilson 1935
Sister taxa: Argyrocetus bakersfieldensis, Argyrocetus patagonicus
Type specimens:
- Argyrocetus joaquinensis: USNM 11996, a skull. Its type locality is Pyramid Hill, west, which is in a Chattian marine sandstone in the Vedder Formation of California.
- Doliodelphis littlei: YPM 13404. Its type locality is Woody, southwest, which is in a Chattian marine sandstone in the Jewett Formation of California.
- Eurhinodelphis extensus: YPM 13409, a partial skull. Its type locality is Woody, southwest, which is in a Chattian marine sandstone in the Jewett Formation of California.
Ecology: aquatic carnivore
• Oligocene of United States (3: California collections)
Total: 3 collections including 4 occurrences
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