†family Minchinellidae Dendy and Row 1913 (calcareous sponge)

Calcarea - Lithonida - Minchinellidae

Parent taxon: Lithonida according to J. Vacelet 2015

See also Finks et al. 2004 and Senowbari-Daryan and Rigby 2015

Sister taxon: Elasmostomatidae

Subtaxa: Bactronella Minchinella Monoplectroninia Muellerithalamia Petrostroma Plectroninia Porosphaera Porosphaerella Retispinopora Sagittularia Tulearinia

View classification

Type: Minchinella

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Miocene of Spain (1 collection)

• Eocene of United States (5: North Carolina)

• Paleocene of Denmark (1), France (1)

• Cretaceous of France (9), Germany (6), Poland (14), the United Kingdom (2)

• Jurassic of Canada (2: Nova Scotia), Germany (1)

Total: 42 collections including 58 occurrences

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