Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Paleoparadoxiidae
Alternative combination: Cornwallius tabatai
Full reference: S. Tokunaga. 1939. A new fossil mammal belonging to Desmostylidae. Journal of the Geological Society of Tokyo 31(371):289-300
Belongs to Paleoparadoxia according to K. Matsui and T. Tsuihiji 2019
See also Domning 1996, Domning 2008, Hasegawa and Kohno 2007, Ijiri and Kamei 1961, Inuzuka et al. 2006, Kamei and Okazaki 1974, Matsui 2017, Matsui and Kawabe 2015, Reinhart 1959, Shikama 1966 and Tokunaga 1939
Sister taxon: Paleoparadoxia media
Type specimen: NSMT-P-5601, a skeleton
Ecology: amphibious herbivore
• Miocene of Japan (16 collections), United States (7: California)
Total: 23 collections including 24 occurrences
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