Allodesmus kernensis Kellogg 1922 (pinniped)

Mammalia - Carnivora - Desmatophocidae

Synonyms: Allodesmus gracilis Barnes and Hirota 1995, Allodesmus kelloggi Mitchell 1966

Full reference: R. Kellogg. 1922. Pinnipeds from Miocene and Pleistocene deposits of California. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 13(4):23-132

Belongs to Allodesmus according to W. Tonomori et al. 2018

See also Barnes 1969, Barnes 1970, Barnes 1972, Barnes 1989, Barnes 2008, Barnes and Hirota 1995, Berta et al. 2018, Boessenecker and Churchill 2013, Boessenecker and Churchill 2015, Boessenecker and Churchill 2018, Deméré et al. 2003, Hay 1930, Kellogg 1922, Kohno 1996, Mitchell 1966 and Repenning and Tedford 1977

Sister taxa: Allodesmus demerei, Allodesmus naorai, Allodesmus packardi, Allodesmus sinanoensis, Allodesmus uraiporensis

Type specimens:

  • Allodesmus kernensis: CAS 275, a mandible (right mandibular ramus)
  • Allodesmus gracilis: UCMP 81708, a skull. Its type locality is LACM 1557, which is in a Serravallian marine siltstone in the Temblor Formation of California.
  • Allodesmus kelloggi: LACM 4320. Its type locality is LACM 1557, which is in a Serravallian marine siltstone in the Temblor Formation of California.

Ecology: amphibious carnivore


• Miocene of Japan (2 collections), United States (5: California)

• Oligocene of United States (1: California)

Total: 8 collections including 9 occurrences

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