†family Halobiidae Kittl 1912 (oyster)

Bivalvia - Ostreida - Halobiidae

Full reference: E. Kittl. 1912. Materialen zu einer Monographie der Halobiidae und Monotidae der Trias [Monograph on the Halobiidae and Monotidae of the Triassic]. Resultate der Wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Balatonsees, II Band: Paläontologie der Umgebung des Balatonsees 1(4):1-229

Parent taxon: Posidonioidea according to J. G. Carter et al. 2011

See also Bouchet et al. 2010, Chen and Stiller 2010, Nevesskaja 2009, Onoue and Tanaka 2005 and Ros-Franch et al. 2014

Sister taxa: Aulacomyellidae, Daonellidae, Posidoniidae

Subtaxa: Aparimella Comatahalobia Damesiella Daonella Dipleurites Enteropleura Halobia Parahalobia Taimyrolobia

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Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Jurassic of China (1 collection)

• Kaihikuan of United States (2: Nevada)

• Triassic of Afghanistan (4), Austria (51), Bosnia and Herzegovina (16), Bulgaria (2), Canada (81: British Columbia, Nunavut), Chile (4), China (32), Croatia (2), East Timor (13), Germany (7), Greece (1), Greenland (1), Hungary (40), India (3), Indonesia (55), Israel (1), Italy (99), Japan (21), Jordan (1), Laos (2), Malaysia (6), Mexico (2), Myanmar (1), Nepal (1), New Zealand (62), Oman (3), Papua New Guinea (2), Poland (1), Romania (10), the Russian Federation (120), Serbia and Montenegro (4), Slovakia (8), Slovenia (16), Spain (6), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (58), Switzerland (13), Tajikistan (2), Thailand (7), Turkey (6), Ukraine (1), United States (192: Alaska, California, Nevada, Oregon), Vietnam (11)

• Devonian of United States (1: New York)

Total: 972 collections including 1501 occurrences

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