Gastropoda - Euomphalina - Platyceratidae
Full reference: J. Hall. 1859. Notes and observations upon the fossils of the Goniatite Limestone, in the Marcellus shale of the Hamilton group, and those of the Goniatite beds of Rockford, Indiana, with some analogous forms from the Hamilton Group proper. Annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York on the State Cabinet of Natural History and the Historical and Antiquarian collection annexed thereto 13:95-112
Belongs to Strophostylus according to P. J. Wagner 2023
See also Hall 1859 and Hall 1867
Sister taxa: Strophostylus andrewsi, Strophostylus bivolve, Strophostylus cancellata, Strophostylus chesterensis, Strophostylus cyclostomus, Strophostylus elegans, Strophostylus elevatus, Strophostylus fortuitus, Strophostylus girtyi, Strophostylus globosus, Strophostylus matheri, Strophostylus nevadensis, Strophostylus obtusus, Strophostylus sargalensis, Strophostylus tantillus, Strophostylus transversus, Strophostylus unica, Strophostylus wortheni
Type specimen: Its type locality is Carlisle, Upper Pentamerus Beds (Hall), which is in a Lochkovian deep subtidal ramp packstone in the Becraft Limestone Formation of New York
Ecology: passively mobile epifaunal coprophage
• Devonian of United States (2: New York collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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