Anthozoa - Favositida - Micheliniidae
Parent taxon: Favositoidea according to Plusquellec 2012
See also Hill 1981, Niko 2005 and Webb 1990
Sister taxa: Agetolitidae, Cleistoporidae, Favositidae, Multisoleniidae, Palaeacidae, Pseudofavositidae, Syringolitidae, Vaughaniidae
Subtaxa: Granulidictyinae Micheliniinae Michelinopora Praemichelinia Protomichelinia Turnacipora
Type: Michelinia
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder-photosymbiotic
• Permian of Afghanistan (2 collections), Armenia (6), Azerbaijan (13), Bolivia (3), Cambodia (1), Canada (1: Nunavut), China (68), Indonesia (1), Iran (28), Iraq (2), Japan (2), Malaysia (2), Pakistan (7), Slovenia (1), Tajikistan (1), United States (1: California)
• Carboniferous of Algeria (2), Australia (7), Canada (1: Yukon), China (2), the Czech Republic (2), Egypt (1), Ireland (4), Mexico (2), Morocco (6), the Netherlands (3), Poland (1), Turkey (1), Ukraine (2), the United Kingdom (53), United States (31: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah)
• Devonian to Carboniferous of the United Kingdom (1)
• Devonian of Algeria (1), Australia (19), Bolivia (4), Brazil (1), Canada (3: Ontario), China (1), Colombia (3), the Czech Republic (3), France (5), Germany (21), Luxembourg (2), Morocco (5), New Zealand (4), the Russian Federation (1), South Africa (5), Spain (4), Tajikistan (1), Thailand (1), Turkey (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (62: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee), Venezuela (4)
• Silurian to Devonian of Argentina (1)
• Silurian of Argentina (4), Australia (5), Bolivia (1), Tajikistan (1), United States (7: California, Kentucky, Wisconsin)
• Ordovician to Silurian of Canada (1: Northwest Territories)
Total: 430 collections including 505 occurrences