†family Girtyoceratidae Wedekind 1918 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Goniatitida - Girtyoceratidae

Parent taxon: Girtyocerataceae according to D. Korn and M. N. Sudar 2016

See also Furnish et al. 2009, Klug et al. 2006, Korn 2006, Korn et al. 1999, Korn and Titus 2015 and Titus 2000

Sister taxon: Entogonitidae

Subtaxa: Baschkiritidae Calygirtyoceras Girtyoceras Girtyoceratinae

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Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Carboniferous of the Czech Republic (1 collection), Germany (4), Kazakhstan (29), Morocco (7), the Russian Federation (25), Serbia and Montenegro (1), the United Kingdom (20), United States (90: Arkansas, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah), Uzbekistan (7)

Total: 184 collections including 225 occurrences

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