Clade Bacteria Woese et al. 1990


Synonym: Eubacteria

Full reference: C. R. Woese, O. Kandler, and M. L. Wheelis. 1990. Towards a natural system of organisms: Proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87:4576-4579

Parent taxon: Prokaryota according to M. A. Ruggiero et al. 2015

See also Margulis 1996, Taylor et al. 2008 and Woese et al. 1990

Sister taxa: Archaea, Archaeoscillatoriopsis, Archaeotrichion, Eoleptonema, Namapoikia, Primaevifilum

Subtaxa: Ameliaphycus Archaeorestis Archaeosphaeroides Brachybaculites Cladothricinium Cladothryx Coleobacter Cyanobacteria Eoastrion Eobacterium Ferrimonilis Geasterites Micrococcus Negibacteria Posibacteria Ramacia Schizophyta Taeniatum

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