†family Ataxioceratidae Buckman 1921 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Ataxioceratidae

Alternative spelling: Ataxioceratinae

Parent taxon: Perisphinctoidea according to Z. Vašíček et al. 2023

See also Bulot et al. 2014, Garrido et al. 2018, Myczynski 1989, Parent 2006, Parent et al. 2006, Parent et al. 2017, Salazar and Stinnesbeck 2016, Scherzinger and Schweigert 2017, Vašíček and Skupien 2016 and Verma and Westermann 1973

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Ataxioceratinae Discosphinctoides Garnierisphinctes Katroliceras Lithacoceratinae Paraboliceratinae Paraulacosphinctinae Sublithacoceratinae Torquatisphinctinae Zapaliinae

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Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Cretaceous of the Czech Republic (5 collections), France (1), Georgia (1), Hungary (3), Iran (2), Mexico (1), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (3), Serbia and Montenegro (12), Ukraine (4)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of the Russian Federation (2), Spain (1)

• Jurassic of Algeria (7), Antarctica (1), Argentina (99), Canada (1: British Columbia), Chile (8), China (2), Cuba (1), the Czech Republic (8), France (47), Germany (41), Hungary (17), India (3), Iran (8), Italy (17), Madagascar (15), Mexico (13), Nepal (1), New Zealand (1), Peru (2), Poland (3), Romania (19), the Russian Federation (6), Saudi Arabia (1), Somalia (1), Spain (14), Switzerland (2), Ukraine (1), United States (1: Texas), Yemen (8)

Total: 384 collections including 816 occurrences

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