Aotus Illiger 1811 (monkey)

Mammalia - Primates

Full reference: C. Illiger. 1811. Prodromus Systematis Mammalium et Avium

Parent taxon: Aotini according to S. B. Cooke et al. 2011

See also Hershkovitz 1974, Illiger 1811, Opazo et al. 2006, Setoguchi and Rosenberger 1987 and Wilson and Reeder 2005

Sister taxa: Insulacebus, Xenothrix

Subtaxa: Aotus azarae Aotus brumbacki Aotus dindensis Aotus griseimembra Aotus jorgehernandezi Aotus lemurinus Aotus miconax Aotus nancymaae Aotus nigriceps Aotus trivirgatus Aotus vociferans Aotus zonalis

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Ecology: arboreal omnivore


• Quaternary of Panama (1 collection), Peru (1)

• Miocene of Colombia (2)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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