Septifer (Septifer) Récluz 1846 (mussel)
Bivalvia - Mytilida - Mytilidae
Parent taxon: Septifer according to E. J. Moore 1983
See also Dockery 1982 and Squires 1987
Sister taxa: Septifer (Mytilisepta), Septifer bifurcatus, Septifer bilocularis, Septifer elegans, Septifer fenestralis, Septifer fenestratus, Septifer lineatus, Septifer lingua, Septifer magnificus, Septifer mayai, Septifer mifunensis, Septifer samiri
Subtaxa: Septifer (Septifer) coalingensis Septifer (Septifer) excisus Septifer (Septifer) proboulus
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder