Bivalvia - Mytilida - Mytilidae
Alternative spelling: Mytilus (Septifer)
Parent taxon: Mytilinae according to E. J. Moore 1983
See also Bouchet et al. 2010, Dockery 1982, El Qot 2006, Griffin et al. 2008, Lamprell and Healy 1998, Matsubara 2002, Nagao 1928, Sepkoski 2002, Skwarko 1994, Squires 1987, Tashiro and Kozai 1982, Todd 2001 and Vokes 1980
Sister taxa: Adulini, Aulacomyini, Brachidontes, Choromytilus, Crenomytilini, Ischadium, Mytella, Mytilini, Mytilosootus, Mytilus, Nodomytilus, Perna, Perumytilus, Semimodiola, Semimytilus
Subtaxa: Septifer (Mytilisepta) Septifer (Septifer) Septifer bifurcatus Septifer bilocularis Septifer elegans Septifer fenestralis Septifer fenestratus Septifer lineatus Septifer lingua Septifer magnificus Septifer mayai Septifer mifunensis Septifer samiri
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Quaternary of Australia (4 collections), Djibouti (1), Eritrea (1), Japan (3), Kenya (2), Mayotte (2), Mexico (7), Mozambique (1), New Zealand (1), Saudi Arabia (1), South Africa (1), United States (30: California, Hawaii)
• Pliocene of Japan (1), United States (1: California)
• Miocene of Australia (1), Austria (1), Bulgaria (1), Cyprus (2), France (1), Hungary (1), Indonesia (1), Japan (1), Moldova (1), Panama (1), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (4), United States (1: California)
• Oligocene of France (5), United States (2: Mississippi)
• Eocene of Australia (2), Bulgaria (1), India (1), Italy (1), Japan (7), Peru (2), United States (3: California)
• Paleocene of Argentina (1), France (1), United States (1: California)
• Cretaceous of Argentina (13), Azerbaijan (1), the Czech Republic (1), Egypt (3), India (1), Japan (11), Libya (1), the Netherlands (1), Peru (1), Poland (4), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Turkmenistan (1), the United Kingdom (3), United States (27: California)
• Jurassic of Germany (1)
• Triassic of Hungary (2)
Total: 172 collections including 179 occurrences
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