Thracia (Thracia) Blainville 1824 (clam)

Bivalvia - Thraciida - Thraciidae

Parent taxon: Thracia according to S. Freneix et al. 1988

See also Marasti 1973 and Moore 1976

Sister taxa: Thracia (Cetothrax), Thracia (Crassithracia), Thracia (Cyathodonta), Thracia (Homoeodesma), Thracia (Ixartia), Thracia (Odoncineta), Thracia alciope, Thracia applanata, Thracia brioni, Thracia curtansata, Thracia declivis, Thracia depressa, Thracia dilleri, Thracia formosa, Thracia gibsonensis, Thracia grignonensis, Thracia incerta, Thracia jacalitosana, Thracia kanakoffi, Thracia karquinesensis, Thracia keaseyensis, Thracia kissoumi, Thracia lenticularis, Thracia ludovica, Thracia mactroides, Thracia mactropsis, Thracia oblata, Thracia papyracea, Thracia parvula, Thracia prisca, Thracia proavita, Thracia schencki, Thracia sorrentoensis, Thracia stelcki, Thracia suciensis, Thracia ventricosa, Thracia viceliacensis, Thracia weedi, Eximiothracia perscabrosa

Subtaxa: Thracia (Thracia) convexa Thracia (Thracia) pubescens

View classification

Type: Mya pubescens

Ecology: facultatively mobile deep infaunal suspension feeder


• Pliocene of Belgium (6 collections), the United Kingdom (2)

• Miocene of Austria (2), Belgium (7), Denmark (1), Germany (8), Italy (6), the Netherlands (2), the Russian Federation (2)

• Oligocene of Hungary (2), Japan (1)

• Eocene of Germany (1), Romania (2)

• Jurassic of India (1), the Russian Federation (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1)

Total: 45 collections including 51 occurrences

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