Buteo rufinus Cretzschmar 1826 (long-legged buzzard)

Aves - Accipitriformes - Accipitridae

Alternative combination: Falco rufinus

Belongs to Buteo according to J. F. Clements et al. 2017

See also Bedetti and Pavia 2007, Mlikovsky 2002 and Salotti et al. 1997

Sister taxa: Buteo (Triorchis), Buteo ales, Buteo antecursor, Buteo brachypterus, Buteo buteo, Buteo conterminus, Buteo contortus, Buteo dananus, Buteo dondasi, Buteo fluviaticus, Buteo fuscescens, Buteo grangeri, Buteo hoffstetteri, Buteo jamaicensis, Buteo lagopus, Buteo lineatus, Buteo nitidus, Buteo platypterus, Buteo pusillus, Buteo quadratus, Buteo regalis, Buteo sanfelipensis, Buteo solitarius, Buteo spassovi, Buteo swainsoni, Buteo typhoius


• Quaternary of France (1 collection), Italy (2), Jordan (1)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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