†family Proteopithecidae Simons 1997 (monkey)

Mammalia - Primates - Proteopithecidae

Full reference: E. L. Simons. 1997. Preliminary description of the cranium of Proteopithecus sylviae, an Egyptian late Eocene anthropoidean primate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94:14970-14975

Parent taxon: Anthropoidea according to E. R. Seiffert et al. 2005

See also Simons 1997 and Simons et al. 1999

Sister taxa: Afrotarsiidae, Amamria, Amphipithecidae, Arctopithecini, Aseanpithecus, Catarrhini, Eosimiidae, Neopithecini, Oligopithecidae, Paleopithecini, Parapithecoidea, Perupithecus, Platyrrhini, Notnamaia, Protoanthropoidea, Aotidae

Subtaxa: Proteopithecus Serapia

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Type: Proteopithecus

Ecology: arboreal omnivore

Distribution: found only at Quarry L-41 (Jebel Qatrani Formation) (Oligocene of Egypt)

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