Clade Ratitae Merrem 1813 (bird)
Parent taxon: Palaeognathae according to B. C. Livezey and R. L. Zusi 2007
See also Andrews 1906, Baur 1887, Gadow 1898, Gardiner 1982, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Jaekel 1911 and Zittel 1890
Sister taxa: Aepyornithiformes, Ambiortiformes, Crypturi, Eremopezidae, Lithornidae, Lithornithidae, Medioolithidae, Palaeocursornithiformes, Patagopterygiformes, Remiornithidae, Remiornithiformes, Rheiformes, Struthioniformes
Subtaxa: Apterygimorphae Casuariimorphae Struthiones Struthionimorphae
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore