†superfamily Hybodontoidea Agassiz 1834 (elasmobranch)

Chondrichthyes - Hybodontiformes

Full reference: L. Agassiz. 1834. Taxonomic names. Beitrag zu einer Monographie des Bunten Sandsteins, Muschelkalks und Keupers, und die Verbindung dieser Gebilde zu einer Formation 1-366

Parent taxon: Hybodontiformes according to S. Stumpf and J. Kriwet 2019

See also Biddle 1993, Cahuzac et al. 2007, Chhabra and Mishra 2002, Chrzastek 2008, Delsate 2003, Delsate et al. 2002, Duffin 1998, Duffin 2001, Duncan 2004, Everhart 2004, Ginter et al. 2010, Heckert 2004, Johns 1997, Kindlimann 1990, Murry 1989, Mutter 1998, Pinheiro et al. 2013, Pla et al. 2013, Rees and Underwood 2008, Thurmond and Jones 1981, Underwood and Cumbaa 2010, Yamagishi 2004 and Zangerl 1981

Sister taxa: Cassisodus, Doratodus, Hamiltonichthys, Hubeiodus, Mesodmodus, Omanoselache, Onychoselache, Pseudodalatiidae, Ptychodontidae, Reesodus, Steinbachodontidae, Teresodus

Subtaxa: Acrodontidae Acrorhizodus Asteracanthus semiverrucosus Asteracanthus verrucosus Diablodontus Distobatidae Homalodontidae Hybodontidae Hybodus strictus Lamarodus Lissodus Lonchidiidae Polyacrodontidae Trichorhipis Tristychiidae

View classification

Ecology: nektonic carnivore


• Miocene to Pliocene of Australia (1 collection)

• Miocene of Australia (2), Sri Lanka (1)

• Eocene of Australia (1)

• Paleocene of United States (1: New Jersey)

• Cretaceous of Algeria (6), Brazil (4), Canada (34: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan), China (3), Colombia (5), Denmark (1), Egypt (21), France (23), Germany (2), Japan (2), Kazakhstan (1), Libya (5), Lithuania (3), Malaysia (1), Mali (1), Mexico (1), Morocco (2), Niger (6), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (5), Spain (16), Sudan (1), Sweden (6), Switzerland (3), Thailand (15), Tunisia (12), Ukraine (2), the United Kingdom (33), United States (171: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming), Uzbekistan (6)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of France (3), Morocco (6), Thailand (4)

• Jurassic of Belgium (12), Canada (1: Nova Scotia), China (7), Denmark (1), Ethiopia (4), France (17), Germany (43), India (4), Italy (1), Japan (3), Kyrgyzstan (3), Luxembourg (4), Mongolia (1), Poland (1), Portugal (3), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (2), Sweden (1), Switzerland (1), Tanzania (1), Thailand (1), Tunisia (1), the United Kingdom (25), United States (3: Arizona, Utah), Uruguay (2)

• Triassic to Jurassic of Madagascar (3)

• Triassic of Angola (1), Austria (2), Belgium (5), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Canada (9: British Columbia), China (7), France (35), Germany (28), Greenland (2), Hungary (3), India (9), Israel (2), Italy (5), Japan (13), Luxembourg (2), Madagascar (1), the Netherlands (2), New Zealand (1), Norway (1), Pakistan (3), Poland (11), the Russian Federation (8), Saudi Arabia (2), Slovenia (1), South Africa (3), Spain (12), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (16), Switzerland (22), Tanzania (1), Thailand (1), Turkey (1), the United Kingdom (35), United States (33: Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Texas, Virginia)

• Permian of Brazil (1), China (12), Hungary (1), Iran (3), Japan (3), Latvia (2), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (10), United States (25: Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas)

• Carboniferous to Permian of Argentina (1)

• Carboniferous of China (1), Ireland (2), the Russian Federation (3), the United Kingdom (4), United States (2: Arizona, Illinois)

• Devonian of the Russian Federation (3), United States (1: Kentucky)

Total: 910 collections including 1511 occurrences

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