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Ophiuroidea - Encrinasteridae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1899Aspidosomatidae Gregory p. 351
1914Encrinasteridae Schuchert
1915Encrinasteridae Schuchert p. 241
1965Encrinasteridae Owen p. 552
1966Encrinasteridae Spencer and Wright p. U83
1978Encrinasteridae Harper and Morris p. 155
1997Encrinasteridae Jell p. 309
1999Encrinasteridae Jell and Theron p. 163
2005Encrinasteridae Dean Shackleton p. 81

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EubilateriaAx 1987

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Encrinasteridae Schuchert 1914
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Subfm. †Armathyrasterinae Harper and Morris 1978
G. †Armathyraster Harper and Morris 1978
Armathyraster paradoxis Harper and Morris 1978
G. †Mausoleaster Jell and Holloway 1983
G. †Cheiropteraster Stürtz 1890
Cheiropteraster giganteus Stürtz 1890
G. †Encrinaster Haekel 1866
Encrinaster arnoldi Goldfuss 1848
Encrinaster eifelensis Schöndorf 1910
Encrinaster grayae Spencer 1914
Encrinaster hamlingi Spencer 1930
Encrinaster laevidiscus Lehmann 1957
Encrinaster petaloides Simonovitsch 1871
Encrinaster pontis Clarke 1913
Encrinaster roemeri Schöndorf 1910
Invalid names: Aspidosoma Goldfuss 1848 [synonym]
Subfm. †Encrinasterinae Harper and Morris 1978
G. †Crepidosoma Spencer 1930
Crepidosoma doylei Blake et al. 2017
Crepidosoma wenlocki Spencer 1930
G. †Marginura Haude 1999
Marginura hilleri Jell and Theron 1999
Invalid names: Marginaster Haude 1995 [replaced]
G. †Euzonosoma Spencer 1930
Euzonosoma goldfussi Schöndorf 1910
Euzonosoma montanum Raymond 1912
Euzonosoma orbitoides Spencer 1930
Euzonosoma pusillum Ruedemann 1916
Euzonosoma schmidti Schöndorf 1910
G. †Loriolaster Stürtz 1886
Loriolaster gracilis Lehmann 1957
Loriolaster mirabilis Stürtz 1886
G. †Mastigactis Spencer 1930
Mastigactis aranea Ruedemann 1916
G. †Urozoma Spencer 1930
Invalid names: Aspidosomatidae Gregory 1899 [objective synonym]
J. Dean Shackleton 2005Narrow transverse groove crossing distal region of ambulacral perradial ridge; groove spines short and square; loss of vertical spines; broad longitudinal groove crossing lateral region of arms; first and second buccal pores closely spaced, with proximal pore slightly more aboral in position; adambulacrals attach to interradial lateral surface of mouth angle plates; most proximal radial adambulacral partially obscuring podial basin; loss of radial oral spines.