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Cricetodon (Hispanomys) was named by Mein and Freudenthal (1971). Its type is Cricetodon (Hispanomys) aragonensis.
It was reranked as Hispanomys by van de Weerd (1976).
It was assigned to Cricetodon by Mein and Freudenthal (1971); and to Cricetodontinae by van de Weerd (1976).
It was reranked as Hispanomys by van de Weerd (1976).
It was assigned to Cricetodon by Mein and Freudenthal (1971); and to Cricetodontinae by van de Weerd (1976).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1971 | Cricetodon (Hispanomys) Mein and Freudenthal |
1976 | Hispanomys van de Weerd p. 106 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
G. †Hispanomys Mein and Freudenthal 1971
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†Cricetodon (Hispanomys) aragonensis Freudenthal 1966
†Cricetodon (Hispanomys) bijugatus Mein and Freudenthal 1971
†Cricetodon (Hispanomys) decedens Schaub 1925
†Cricetodon (Hispanomys) lusitanicus Schaub 1925
†Cricetodon (Hispanomys) nombrevillae Freudenthal 1966
†Hispanomys adroveri Agusti 1986
†Hispanomys daamsi Agusti et al. 2005
†Hispanomys dispectus Agustí 1980
†Hispanomys freudenthali van de Weerd 1976
†Hispanomys peralensis van de Weerd 1976
†Hispanomys thaleri Hartenberger 1965
Reference | Diagnosis | |
P. Mein and M. Freudenthal 1971 | Cricetodontini de taille moyenne; les incisives supérieures sont munies d'un faible sillon longitudinal; les molaires supérieures ont des ectolophes partiels; la M1 est à antérocône bifide; elle a quatre racines ou souvent une trace d'une cinquième, qui prend son origine à la base de la grande racine antérieure; les sont légèrement plus hautes que chez le sous-genre Cricetodon, mais l'hypsodontie n'attient jamais le degré qu'elle peut atteindre chez Ruscinomys et Pseudoruscinomys. La taille est inférieur à celle de Deperetomys et Pseudoruscinomys. | |
A. van de Weerd 1976 | Cricetodontinae of medium size, with either incomplete or complete ectolophs. The M1 has four or five roots. The anterocone of the M1 has an anterior groove. The anterolophid of the lower molars may be absent. The molars are slightly to moderately hypsodont. The depth of the groove in the upper incisor is variable. |