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Anthozoa - Auloporida

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1851Auloporicae Milne-Edwards and Haime
1981Auloporicae Hill
2021Auloporoidea Niko and Badpa p. 48

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phylumCnidariaHatschek 1888
classAnthozoaEhrenberg 1834
subclassTabulataMilne-Edwards and Haime 1850
orderAuloporidaSokolov 1947
superfamilyAuloporoidea(Milne-Edwards and Haime 1851)
superfamilyAuloporoidea(Milne-Edwards and Haime 1851)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Superfm. †Auloporoidea Milne-Edwards and Haime 1851
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Fm. †Aulocystidae Sokolov 1950
G. †Adaverina Klaamann 1969
Adaverina gutta Khayznikova 1989
G. †Adetopora Sokolov 1955
G. †Aulocystella Kuzina 1955
G. †Aulocystis Schlüter 1885
G. †Aulostegites Lejeune and Pel 1973
G. †Cystitrypanopora Jia 1955
G. †Pachyphragma Watkins 1959
G. †Plexituba Stainbrook 1946
G. †Pseudoromingeria Yabe and Sugiyama 1941
Pseudoromingeria kotoi Yabe and Hayasaka 1915
Invalid names: Sinopora Sokolov 1955 [synonym]
G. †Syringocystis Klaamann 1966
Syringocystis acclinis Klaamann 1966
Syringocystis adaverensis Klaamann 1966
Invalid names: Sinoporidae Sokolov 1955 [synonym]
Fm. †Auloheliidae Sokolov 1950
G. †Aulohelia Gerth 1922
Aulohelia irregularis Gerth 1922
Aulohelia laevis Gerth 1922
Fm. †Auloporidae Milne-Edwards and Haime 1850
G. †Aulocaulis Fenton and Fenton 1937
G. †Aulopora Goldfuss 1829
Aulopora amica Klaamann 1962
Aulopora assueta Klaamann 1966
Aulopora celsa Klaamann 1966
Aulopora enodis Klaamann 1966
Aulopora gerthi Montanaro Gallitelli 1954
Aulopora necopina Klaamann 1966
Aulopora repens Knorr and Walch 1775
Aulopora serpens Goldfuss 1829
Aulopora timorica Gerth 1922
G. †Auloporella Grubbs 1939
G. †Aulozoa Grubbs 1939
G. †Ceratopora Grabau 1899
Ceratopora dichotoma Grabau 1899
G. †Diorychopora Davis 1887
G. †Gundarina Leleshus 1993
Gundarina nana Leleshus 1993
G. †Mastopora Sokolov 1952
Mastopora compacta Tchernychev 1941
Mastopora foederata Klaamann 1966
Mastopora incrustata Sokolov 1955
Mastopora spicata Goldfuss 1826
G. †Planalveolitella Stumm 1967
Invalid names: Syringoporinae Nicholson 1879 [empty]
Fm. †Bajgoliidae Hill 1981
G. †Bajgolia Dzyubo 1962
Fm. †Fletcheriellidae Sokolov 1965
G. †Eofletcheriella Lin and Chow 1977
G. †Fletcheriella Sokolov 1955
Fletcheriella catervatima Volkova et al. 1978
G. †Neofletcheriella Lin 1975
G. †Pseudofletcheria Chi 1976
Fm. †Kozlowskiocystiidae Stasinska 1969
G. †Kozlowskiocystia Stasinska 1969
Fm. †Palaeofavosiporidae Stasinska 1976
G. †Kanashiropora Niko 2001
G. †Palaeofavosipora Stasinska 1976
Fm. †Pyrgiidae Fromentel 1861
G. †Amniopora Sokolov 1955
G. †Bainbridgia Ball 1933
G. †Bibucia Roberts 1963
G. †Cladochonus M'Coy 1847
Cladochonus beecheri Grabau 1899
Cladochonus carrascoi Wilson 1990
Cladochonus crassus McCoy 1847
Cladochonus magnus Gerth 1922
Cladochonus nicholsoni Etheridge Jr. 1915
Cladochonus shawi Wilson and Langenheim, Jr. 1962
Cladochonus striatus Hill 1942
G. †Salpingium Smyth 1928
Fm. †Romingeriidae Sokolov 1950
G. †Ainia Leleshus 1974
G. †Protopora Greene 1904
G. †Remesia Kettner 1934
G. †Romingeria Nicholson 1879
Romingeria nana Klaamann 1966
Romingeria umbellifera Billings 1859
Fm. †Trachypsammiidae Gerth 1922
G. †Dictyopora Gerth 1922
Dictyopora incrustans Gerth 1922
G. †Oculinella Yakovlev 1939
G. †Starostinella Nowinski 1997
Starostinella nordica Nowinski 1997
No diagnoses are available