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Hexactinellida - Reticulosa

Hintzespongioidea was named by Finks (1983). It is not extant. Its type is Hintzespongiidae.

It was assigned to Reticulosa by Rigby et al. (2010).

Hintzespongiidae (type family), Teganiidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1983Hintzespongioidea Finks
2010Hintzespongioidea Rigby et al.

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phylumPoriferaGrant 1836
classHexactinellidaSchmidt 1870
orderReticulosaReid 1958
superfamilyHintzespongioideaFinks 1983
superfamilyHintzespongioideaFinks 1983

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Superfm. †Hintzespongioidea Finks 1983
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Fm. †Hintzespongiidae Finks 1983
G. †Cyathophycus Walcott 1879
Cyathophycus akiensis Rigby et al. 1998
Cyathophycus extendis Carrera and Ortega 2009
Cyathophycus loydelli Botting 2004
Cyathophycus mackenziensis Rigby and Chatterton 1994
Cyathophycus reticulatus Walcott 1879
Invalid names: Cyathodictya [nomen vanum], Cyathospongia Dawson and Hinde 1889 [nomen vanum]
G. †Hintzespongia Rigby and Gutschick 1976
Hintzespongia bilamina Rigby and Gutschick 1976
Invalid names: Hintzesnonaia [objective synonym]
G. †Lantianospongia Xiao et al. 2005
Lantianospongia palifera Xiao et al. 2005
G. †Stephenospongia Rigby 1986
Invalid names: Ratcliffespongia [nomen vanum]
Fm. †Teganiidae de Laubenfels 1955
G. †Rufuspongia Rigby and Mehl 1994
G. †Taleolaspongia Rigby and Mehl 1994
G. †Teganiella Rigby 1986
G. †Teganium
Invalid names: Sphaerodictya [objective synonym]
No diagnoses are available