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Pycnodonta was named by Fischer von Waldheim (1835) [m. kosnik taxon no: 7051]. It is extant. Its type is Pycnodonte radiata. It is the type genus of Pycnodonteini.
It was reranked as Ostrea (Pycnodonte) by Olsson and Richards (1961) and Maxwell (1992); it was corrected as Pycnodonte by Adegoke (1977), Vokes (1980), Woodring (1982), Tashiro and Kozai (1982), Gliozzi and Malatesta (1983), Moore (1987), Squires and Demetrion (1990), Beu et al. (1990), Ward (1992), Squires and Demetrion (1992), Perrilliat (1994), Casadio (1998), Stilwell (1998), Squires (1999), El Qot (2006), Bouchet et al. (2010), Robinson and Lee (2011) and Mendir et al. (2021).
It was assigned to Ostrea by Olsson and Richards (1961); to Ostreidae by Tashiro and Kozai (1982); to Pycnodontini by Casadio (1998); to Pterioida by Sepkoski (2002); to Gryphaeidae by Squires and Demetrion (1992), Squires (1999) and El Qot (2006); to Pycnodonteinae by Adegoke (1977), Vokes (1980), Woodring (1982), Gliozzi and Malatesta (1983), Moore (1987), Squires and Demetrion (1990), Beu et al. (1990), Maxwell (1992), Perrilliat (1994), Stilwell (1998), Bouchet et al. (2010) and Robinson and Lee (2011); and to Pycnodontinae by Ward (1992) and Mendir et al. (2021).
It was reranked as Ostrea (Pycnodonte) by Olsson and Richards (1961) and Maxwell (1992); it was corrected as Pycnodonte by Adegoke (1977), Vokes (1980), Woodring (1982), Tashiro and Kozai (1982), Gliozzi and Malatesta (1983), Moore (1987), Squires and Demetrion (1990), Beu et al. (1990), Ward (1992), Squires and Demetrion (1992), Perrilliat (1994), Casadio (1998), Stilwell (1998), Squires (1999), El Qot (2006), Bouchet et al. (2010), Robinson and Lee (2011) and Mendir et al. (2021).
It was assigned to Ostrea by Olsson and Richards (1961); to Ostreidae by Tashiro and Kozai (1982); to Pycnodontini by Casadio (1998); to Pterioida by Sepkoski (2002); to Gryphaeidae by Squires and Demetrion (1992), Squires (1999) and El Qot (2006); to Pycnodonteinae by Adegoke (1977), Vokes (1980), Woodring (1982), Gliozzi and Malatesta (1983), Moore (1987), Squires and Demetrion (1990), Beu et al. (1990), Maxwell (1992), Perrilliat (1994), Stilwell (1998), Bouchet et al. (2010) and Robinson and Lee (2011); and to Pycnodontinae by Ward (1992) and Mendir et al. (2021).
Gryphaea belli, Pycnodonta frauscheri, Pycnodonta rarilamella, Pycnodonta vesicularis (syn. Ostrea szajnochai), P. (Costeina), P. (Crenostrea), P. (Gigantostrea), P. (Pegma), P. (Phygraea), P. (Pycnodonte), P. amakusensis, P. costei (syn. Pycnodonta costei, Ostrea (Crassostrea) costei, Ostrea hissarensis), P. erici, P. ewekoroensis, P. gryphovicinus, P. heermanni, P. loeli, P. nigeriensis, P. percrassa, P. squarrosa, P. trigonalis, P. vesicularis
Species lacking formal opinion data
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1835 | Pycnodonta Fischer von Waldheim |
1961 | Ostrea (Pycnodonte) Olsson and Richards p. 4 |
1977 | Pycnodonte Adegoke p. 249 |
1980 | Pycnodonte Vokes p. 64 |
1982 | Pycnodonte Tashiro and Kozai p. 77 |
1982 | Pycnodonte Woodring p. 606 |
1983 | Pycnodonte Gliozzi and Malatesta p. 89 |
1987 | Pycnodonte Moore p. D18 |
1990 | Pycnodonte Beu et al. p. 396 |
1990 | Pycnodonte Squires and Demetrion p. 386 |
1992 | Ostrea (Pycnodonte) Maxwell p. 69 |
1992 | Pycnodonte Squires and Demetrion p. 39 |
1992 | Pycnodonte Ward p. 75 |
1994 | Pycnodonte Perrilliat p. 233 |
1998 | Pycnodonte Casadio p. 451 |
1998 | Pycnodonte Stilwell p. 50 |
1999 | Pycnodonte Squires p. 24 |
2002 | Pycnodonta Sepkoski |
2006 | Pycnodonte El Qot p. 35 |
2010 | Pycnodonte Bouchet et al. |
2011 | Pycnodonte Robinson and Lee p. 143 |
2021 | Pycnodonte Mendir et al. p. 12 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
G. Pycnodonte Fischer von Waldheim 1835
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†Gryphaea belli Stephenson 1941
†Pycnodonta frauscheri Traub 1938
†Pycnodonta rarilamella Melleville 1843
Subg. †Pycnodonte (Costeina) Vialov 1965
Subg. †Pycnodonte (Crenostrea) Marwick 1931
†Crenostrea eldridgei Arnold 1907
†Crenostrea segurai Woodring 1976
†Pycnodonte (Crenostrea) achanes Woodring 1982
†Pycnodonte (Crenostrea) antiguensis Brown 1913
†Pycnodonte (Crenostrea) verracruzana Perrilliat 1994
†Pycnodonte (Crenostrea) wuellerstorfi Zittel 1864
Subg. †Pycnodonte (Pegma) Squires and Demetrion 1990
†Pycnodonte (Pegma) bajaensis Squires and Demetrion 1990
Subg. †Pycnodonte (Phygraea) Vyalov 1936
†Phygraea badgeri Squires 2018
†Phygraea haleyi Hertlein 1933
†Phygraea lincolnensis Weaver 1916
†Phygraea newberryi Stanton 1894
†Phygraea pacifica Squires and Demetrion 1990
†Phygraea stewarti Hanna 1927
†Pycnodonte (Phygraea) burckhardti Bohm 1903
†Pycnodonte (Phygraea) pseudovesicularis Gümbel 1861
†Pycnodonte (Phygraea) sarmientoi Casadio 1998
†Pycnodonte (Phygraea) vesicularis Lamarck 1806
†Pycnodonte (Phygraea) vesicularis vesiculosa Sowerby 1822
†Gryphaea vesiculosa turkestanica Bobkova 1960
Invalid names: Ostrea vesiculosa Sowerby 1822 [synonym]
Invalid names: Gryphaea proboscidea Archiac 1903 [synonym], Ostrea hippopodium Nilsson 1827 [synonym], Pycnodonta radiata Fischer de Waldheim 1835 [synonym]
†Pycnodonte (Phygraea) wratheri Stephenson 1936
Subg. Pycnodonte (Pycnodonte) Fischer von Waldheim 1835
†Pycnodonte (Pycnodonte) callifera Lamarck 1819
†Pycnodonte (Pycnodonte) gryphina Deshayes 1832
†Pycnodonte (Pycnodonte) howelli Wiedey 1928
†Pycnodonte (Pycnodonte) radiata Fischer de Waldheim 1835
†Pycnodonte (Pycnodonte) wiedeyi Hertlein 1928
†Pycnodonte (Pycnodonte) ynezana Loel and Corey 1932
†Pycnodonte amakusensis Tashiro 1978
†Pycnodonte costei Coquand 1869
Invalid names: Ostrea (Crassostrea) costei Coquand 1962 [synonym], Ostrea hissarensis Romanowski 1884 [synonym], Pycnodonta costei Pervinquiere 1912 [synonym]
†Pycnodonte erici Hertlein 1929
†Pycnodonte ewekoroensis Adegoke 1977
†Pycnodonte gryphovicinus Wood 1861
†Pycnodonte heermanni Conrad 1855
†Pycnodonte loeli Hertlein 1928
†Pycnodonte nigeriensis Adegoke 1977
†Pycnodonte percrassa Conrad 1840
†Pycnodonte squarrosa de Serres 1843
†Pycnodonte trigonalis Conrad 1854
†Pycnodonte vesicularis Lamarck 1806
No diagnoses are available