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Parotosuchus ptaszynskii
Parotosuchus ptaszynskii was named by Sulej and Niedźwiedzki (2011). Its type specimen is MPT.P 272, a mandible (Posterior part of a mandible), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Wióry tracksite, which is in a Spathian channel sandstone/siltstone in the Wióry Formation of Poland.
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2011 | Parotosuchus ptaszynskii Sulej and Niedźwiedzki |
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†Parotosuchus ptaszynskii Sulej and Niedźwiedzki 2011
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Reference | Diagnosis | |
T. Sulej and G. Niedźwiedzki 2011 | Parotosuchus with the following combination of character states: torus arcuatus has more vertical position than the common condition in other parotosuchids. The dorsal surface of the retroarticular process is triangular, rather than roughly rectangular as in P. haughtoni and P. orenburgensis. The base of the hamate process is longer anteroposteriorly than in P. haughtoni and P. orenburgensis. The quadrate ramus of the pterygoid is shorter in length (= jaw articulation positioned more anteriorly) than in P. helgolandicus, P. nasutus, P. haughtoni, and longer than in P. orenburgensis. The lateral edge of the skull is more triangular in shape than in P. orientalis and P. nasutus. |