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Sauropleura bairdi

Amphibia - Urocordylidae

Sauropleura bairdi was named by Carroll et al. (1998) [Nectridean of moderate size, estimated skull length 45 m.m. Snout somewhat elongate and very narrow, maximum width 0.55 times its.length from the anterior border of external nares. Five very large recurved premaxillary teeth as in S. scalaris; maxillary teeth slightly smaller. Dermal ornamentation consisting of a few small circular pits. Posterior trunk vertebrae elongate as in S. pectinata, centra over two· times as long as their height to zygapophyseal articulation. Neural spines low, less than height of centrum to zygapophyseal articular surface. Dorsal edges of spines somewhat expanded laterally, with "dermal" ornamentation of pits. Spinal nerve foramen present just posterior to transverse process. Femur small, slightly less than two times the length of an immediately presacral centrum. Adductor crest and int~rnal trochanter very well developed. · Sauropleura bairdi, although incompletely known, is obviously specifically distinct from the two previously described Sauropleura taxa and combines features found in these two. It has the premaxillary tooth number and approximate snout length of S. scalaris but the narrowness of skull found in S. pectinata. Its known postcranial proportions are much more like those of the latter species. This is the only known urocordylid nectridean from the Archer City bonebed. It is easily distinguished by its vertebral form from the only other known Permian urocordylid Crossotelos annulatus.]. Its type specimen is MCZ 3443, a partial skeleton (Snout region, including anterior rim of orbits, of a large individual preserved in the round (length of skull fragment 19 mm). Associated with the snout are fou), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Archer City Bonebed 1 (Putnam Fm.), which is in a Wolfcampian terrestrial horizon in the Archer City Formation of Texas.

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1868Sauropleura bairdi Cope
1998Sauropleura bairdi Carroll et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
familyUrocordylidaeLydekker 1889

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Sauropleura bairdi Carroll et al. 1998
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