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Isopoda (isopod)
Isopoda was named by Latreille (1817). It is extant.
It was assigned to Peracarida by Schram (1974), Martin and Davis (2001); to Malacostraca by Sepkoski (2002), Feldmann et al. (2008); and to Mancoida by Schwentner et al. (2018).
It was assigned to Peracarida by Schram (1974), Martin and Davis (2001); to Malacostraca by Sepkoski (2002), Feldmann et al. (2008); and to Mancoida by Schwentner et al. (2018).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1817 | Isopoda Latreille |
1974 | Isopoda Schram p. 96 |
2001 | Isopoda Martin and Davis p. 69 |
2002 | Isopoda Sepkoski |
2008 | Isopoda Feldmann et al. p. 45 |
2018 | Isopoda Schwentner et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Or. Isopoda Latreille 1817 [isopod]
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G. †Elioserolis
G. †Eocopea
Subor. Flabellifera Sars 1882
G. †Cymatoga
Fm. Sphaeromidae White 1847
G. †Archaeosphaeroma
G. †Eosphaeroma Woodward 1877
†Eosphaeroma fluviatile Woodward 1877
†Eosphaeroma smithii Woodward 1877
G. †Heterosphaeroma Munier-Chalmas 1872
G. †Isopodites
G. †Protosphaeroma
G. †Unusuropode
Fm. Oniscidae Latreille 1802
Subor. Oniscidea Latreille 1802
Fm. Armadillidae Brandt 1831
Unr. Crinocheta Legrand 1946
Fm. Armadillidiidae Brandt 1833
G. Armadillidium Brandt 1833
†Armadillidium molassicum Heer 1864
†Armadillidium payangadensis Srivastava et al. 2006
Fm. Detonidae Budde-Lund 1906
Fm. Olibrinidae Budde-Lund 1913
Fm. Pseudarmadillidae Vandel 1973
G. Pseudarmadillo Saussure 1857
†Pseudarmadillo cristatus Schmalfuss 1984
†Pseudarmadillo tuberculatus Schmalfuss 1984
Fm. Scleropactidae Verhoeff 1938
G. †Palaeospherarmadillo Broly 2018
†Palaeospherarmadillo mazanticus Broly 2018
†Palaeospherarmadillo rotundus Broly 2018
Fm. Stenoniscidae Verhoeff 1908
G. †Archeostenoniscus Broly 2018
†Archeostenoniscus mexicanus Broly 2018
†Archeostenoniscus robustus Broly 2018
Fm. Ligiidae Brandt 1833
Fm. Philosciidae Kinahan 1857
G. †Aquitanoscia Broly et al. 2017
†Aquitanoscia chiapasensis Broly et al. 2017
†Aquitanoscia maternus Broly et al. 2017
G. Philoscia Latreille 1804
Superfm. Porcellionoidea Verhoeff 1918
Fm. Sphaeroniscidae Vandel 1964
Invalid names: Tylidae Dana 1852 [empty]
Subor. †Phreatoicidea Stebbing 1893
Fm. †Amphisopidae Nicholls 1943
Fm. †Palaeophreatoicidae Birshtein 1962
G. †Palaeocrangon von Schauroth 1854
†Palaeocrangon problematicus Schlotheim 1820
Invalid names: Prosoponiscus Kirkby 1857 [objective synonym]
G. Saduria
Unr. Scutocoxifera Dreyer and Wägele 2002
Subor. Cymothoida Wägele 1989
Unr. Epicaridea Latreille 1825
Invalid names: Cirolanoidea Dana 1852 [empty]
Subor. Sphaeromatidea Wägele 1989
Fm. †Archaeoniscidae Milne Edwards 1843
G. †Archaeoniscus Milne-Edwards 1843
†Archaeoniscus aranguthyorum Feldmann et al. 1998
†Archaeoniscus brodiei Milne-Edwards 1843
†Archaeoniscus edwardsii Westwood 1854
†Archaeoniscus italiensis Jones et al. 2014
†Archaeoniscus texanus Wieder and Feldmann 1992
Superfm. Cymothooidea Leach 1814
Fm. Cirolanidae Dana 1852 [pill bug]
G. Cirolana Leach 1818
Cirolana cranchii Leach 1818
†Cirolana enigma Wieder and Feldmann 1992
†Cirolana makikihi Feldmann et al. 2008
G. †Palaega Woodward 1870 [pill bug]
†Palaega carteri Woodward 1870
†Palaega catulloi de Zigno 1881
†Palaega furcillanatis Jones et al. 2014
†Palaega goedertorum Wieder and Feldmann 1989
†Palaega guadalupensis Rathbun 1935
†Palaega jurassica Stolley 1910
†Palaega kakatahi Feldmann and Rust 2006
†Palaega pumila Gall and Grauvogel 1971
†Palaega williamsonensis Rathbun 1935
†Palaega yamadai Karasawa et al. 2008
Fm. †Lantoceramiidae Wilson and Morel 2022
Superfm. †Sphaeromatoidea Latreille 1825
Fm. †Sphaeromatidae Latreille 1825
G. Sphaeroma
†Sphaeroma gasparellai De Angeli and Lovato 2009
†Sphaeroma montefallanoense Jones et al. 2014
†Sphaeroma serratus Fabricius 1787
G. †Triassphaeroma
Subor. Valvifera Sars 1882
Fm. Chaetiliidae Dana 1853
Fm. Idoteidae Leach 1813
Invalid names: Aegidae [empty], Anthuridea Leach 1814 [empty], Gnathiidea Leach 1814 [empty]
No diagnoses are available