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Isopoda (isopod)

Malacostraca - Isopoda

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1817Isopoda Latreille
1974Isopoda Schram p. 96
2001Isopoda Martin and Davis p. 69
2002Isopoda Sepkoski
2008Isopoda Feldmann et al. p. 45
2018Isopoda Schwentner et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
EcdysozoaAguinaldo et al. 1997
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
PancrustaceaZrzavý and Štys 1997
Hymenostraca(Rolfe 1969)
superclassMulticrustaceaRegier et al. 2010
subclassEumalacostracaGrobben 1892
CaridoidaHessler 1982
superorderPeracaridaCalman 1904
orderIsopodaLatreille 1817
orderIsopodaLatreille 1817

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Isopoda Latreille 1817 [isopod]
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Subor. Asellota Latreille 1802
Fm. Stenetriidae Hansen 1905
G. †Eostenetrium Wilson and Morel 2022
Eostenetrium guerangeri Wilson and Morel 2022
G. †Branchipodites Woodward 1877
Branchipodites vectensis Woodward 1877
G. †Eocopea
Subor. Flabellifera Sars 1882
G. †Cymatoga
Fm. Sphaeromidae White 1847
G. †Cyclosphaeroma Woodward 1890
Cyclosphaeroma trilobatum Woodward 1890
G. †Eosphaeroma Woodward 1877
Eosphaeroma fluviatile Woodward 1877
Eosphaeroma smithii Woodward 1877
Subfm. Hemibranchiatae Brooks et al. 1969
Tr. Cymodocini Brooks et al. 1969
Invalid names: Sphaeromini Hanson 1905 [empty]
G. †Heterosphaeroma Munier-Chalmas 1872
Fm. †Gnathiidae Leach 1814
G. †Gnathia Leach 1813
Fm. Oniscidae Latreille 1802
G. Oniscus Linnaeus 1758
Oniscus convexus Koch and Berendt 1854
G. Porcellio Latreille 1802
Porcellio notatus Koch and Berendt 1854
Subor. Oniscidea Latreille 1802
Fm. Armadillidae Brandt 1831
G. †Palaeoarmadillo Poinar 2020
Fm. Armadilliidae Brandt 1833
G. Venezillo Verhoef 1928
Unr. Crinocheta Legrand 1946
Fm. Armadillidiidae Brandt 1833
G. Armadillidium Brandt 1833
Armadillidium payangadensis Srivastava et al. 2006
G. †Eoarmadillidium Dollfus 1904
Fm. Detonidae Budde-Lund 1906
G. Armadilloniscus Uljanin 1875
G. †Heraclitus Sánchez-García et al. 2021
Heraclitus helenae Sánchez-García et al. 2021
Fm. Olibrinidae Budde-Lund 1913
G. †Palaeolibrinus Broly 2018
Fm. Pseudarmadillidae Vandel 1973
G. Pseudarmadillo Saussure 1857
Pseudarmadillo cristatus Schmalfuss 1984
Pseudarmadillo tuberculatus Schmalfuss 1984
Fm. Scleropactidae Verhoeff 1938
Fm. Stenoniscidae Verhoeff 1908
G. †Archeostenoniscus Broly 2018
Fm. Ligiidae Brandt 1833
G. †Eoligiiscus Sánchez-García et al. 2021
Eoligiiscus tarraconensis Sánchez-García et al. 2021
Fm. Philosciidae Kinahan 1857
G. †Aquitanoscia Broly et al. 2017
Aquitanoscia chiapasensis Broly et al. 2017
Aquitanoscia maternus Broly et al. 2017
G. Philoscia Latreille 1804
Fm. Platyarthridae Verhoeff 1949
G. Trichorhina Budde-Lund 1908
Superfm. Porcellionoidea Verhoeff 1918
Fm. Eubelidae Budde-Lund 1899
G. Eubelum Budde-Lund 1885
Eubelum rusingaense Morris 1979
Fm. Sphaeroniscidae Vandel 1964
G. †Protosphaeroniscus Schmalfuss 1980
Protosphaeroniscus tertiarius Schmalfuss 1980
Unr. Synocheta Legrand 1946
Fm. Styloniscidae Vandel 1952
Subfm. Styloniscinae Vandel 1952
G. †Myanmariscus Broly et al. 2015
Fm. Trichoniscidae Sars 1899
G. †Autrigoniscus Sánchez-García et al. 2021
Autrigoniscus resinicola Sánchez-García et al. 2021
Invalid names: Tylidae Dana 1852 [empty]
Subor. †Phreatoicidea Stebbing 1893
Fm. †Amphisopidae Nicholls 1943
Protamphisopus baii Fu and Wilson 2010
Protamphisopus reichelti Malzahn 1962
Fm. †Palaeophreatoicidae Birshtein 1962
G. †Hesslerella Schram 1970
Hesslerella shermani Schram 1970
G. †Palaeocrangon von Schauroth 1854
Palaeocrangon problematicus Schlotheim 1820
Invalid names: Prosoponiscus Kirkby 1857 [objective synonym]
G. †Palaeophreatoicus Birshtein 1962
Palaeophreatoicus sojanensis Birshtein 1962
Unr. Scutocoxifera Dreyer and Wägele 2002
Subor. Cymothoida Wägele 1989
Fm. Cymothoidae Leach 1818
G. Mothocya Costa 1851
Mothocya vallecillae Stinnesbeck et al. 2022
G. †Electrolana Schädel et al. 2021
Electrolana madelineae Schädel et al. 2021
Unr. Epicaridea Latreille 1825
G. †Vacuotheca Schädel et al. 2019
Vacuotheca dupeorum Schädel et al. 2019
Invalid names: Cirolanoidea Dana 1852 [empty]
Subor. Sphaeromatidea Wägele 1989
Fm. †Archaeoniscidae Milne Edwards 1843
G. †Archaeoniscus Milne-Edwards 1843
Archaeoniscus aranguthyorum Feldmann et al. 1998
Archaeoniscus brodiei Milne-Edwards 1843
Archaeoniscus edwardsii Westwood 1854
Archaeoniscus italiensis Jones et al. 2014
Archaeoniscus texanus Wieder and Feldmann 1992
Superfm. Cymothooidea Leach 1814
Fm. Cirolanidae Dana 1852 [pill bug]
G. †Brunnaega Polz 2005
Brunnaega labuttensis Wilson and Morel 2022
G. Cirolana Leach 1818
Cirolana cranchii Leach 1818
Cirolana enigma Wieder and Feldmann 1992
Cirolana makikihi Feldmann et al. 2008
G. †Eonatatolana Etter 2014
G. †Palaega Woodward 1870 [pill bug]
Palaega carteri Woodward 1870
Palaega catulloi de Zigno 1881
Palaega furcillanatis Jones et al. 2014
Palaega goedertorum Wieder and Feldmann 1989
Palaega guadalupensis Rathbun 1935
Palaega jurassica Stolley 1910
Palaega kakatahi Feldmann and Rust 2006
Palaega pumila Gall and Grauvogel 1971
Palaega williamsonensis Rathbun 1935
Palaega yamadai Karasawa et al. 2008
Fm. †Lantoceramiidae Wilson and Morel 2022
G. †Lantoceramia Wilson and Morel 2022
Lantoceramia ooeida Wilson and Morel 2022
Superfm. †Sphaeromatoidea Latreille 1825
Fm. †Sphaeromatidae Latreille 1825
Subfm. †Dynameninae Bowmann 1981
G. †Dynamenella Hansen 1905
Sphaeroma gasparellai De Angeli and Lovato 2009
Sphaeroma montefallanoense Jones et al. 2014
Sphaeroma serratus Fabricius 1787
Fm. †Urdidae Kunth 1870
G. †Urda Munster 1840
Urda zelandica Buckeridge and Johns 1996
Subor. Valvifera Sars 1882
Fm. Chaetiliidae Dana 1853
G. †Protochaetilia Wilson and Morel 2022
Protochaetilia delaunayi Wilson and Morel 2022
Fm. Idoteidae Leach 1813
Subfm. Mesidoteinae Racovitza and Sevastos 1910
G. Mesidotea Richardson 1905
G. †Proidotea
Proidotea haugi Racovitza and Sevastos 1910
G. †Mesozoidotea Wilson and Morel 2022
Mesozoidotea gazonfierensis Wilson and Morel 2022
Invalid names: Aegidae [empty], Anthuridea Leach 1814 [empty], Gnathiidea Leach 1814 [empty]
No diagnoses are available