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Choristodera (choristodere)
Choristodera was named by Cope (1876). It was considered monophyletic by Ezcurra (2016).
It was synonymized subjectively with Champsosauri by Jaekel (1910); it was synonymized subjectively with Champsosauriformes by Hay (1930); it was reranked as the suborder Choristodera by Roxo (1937), Kuhn (1946) and Russell (1956); it was reranked as the unranked clade Choristodera by Evans and Klembara (2005), Ezcurra (2016), Reiss et al. (2019) and Dong et al. (2020).
It was assigned to Diaptosauria by Osborn (1903) and Osborn (1904); to Rhynchocephalia by Roxo (1937) and Kuhn (1946); to Eosuchia by Russell (1956); to Eosuchia by Estes (1964); to Lepidosauria by Kuhn (1966); to Archosauromorpha by Gauthier et al. (1989); to Neodiapsida by Evans and Manabe (1999); to Archosauromorpha by Evans (1990) and Peng et al. (2001); to Diapsida by Carroll (1988), Hecht (1992), Cvancara and Hoganson (1993), Gao and Fox (1998) and Gao and Fox (2005); to Lepidosauromorpha by Hou et al. (2010); to Sauria by Ezcurra (2016); to Diapsida by Gao et al. (2000) and Reiss et al. (2019); and to Reptilia by Evans and Klembara (2005) and Dong et al. (2020).
It was synonymized subjectively with Champsosauri by Jaekel (1910); it was synonymized subjectively with Champsosauriformes by Hay (1930); it was reranked as the suborder Choristodera by Roxo (1937), Kuhn (1946) and Russell (1956); it was reranked as the unranked clade Choristodera by Evans and Klembara (2005), Ezcurra (2016), Reiss et al. (2019) and Dong et al. (2020).
It was assigned to Diaptosauria by Osborn (1903) and Osborn (1904); to Rhynchocephalia by Roxo (1937) and Kuhn (1946); to Eosuchia by Russell (1956); to Eosuchia by Estes (1964); to Lepidosauria by Kuhn (1966); to Archosauromorpha by Gauthier et al. (1989); to Neodiapsida by Evans and Manabe (1999); to Archosauromorpha by Evans (1990) and Peng et al. (2001); to Diapsida by Carroll (1988), Hecht (1992), Cvancara and Hoganson (1993), Gao and Fox (1998) and Gao and Fox (2005); to Lepidosauromorpha by Hou et al. (2010); to Sauria by Ezcurra (2016); to Diapsida by Gao et al. (2000) and Reiss et al. (2019); and to Reptilia by Evans and Klembara (2005) and Dong et al. (2020).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1876 | Choristodera Cope p. 350 |
1903 | Choristodera Osborn p. 456 |
1904 | Choristodera Osborn p. 111 |
1910 | Champsosauri Jaekel p. 333 |
1911 | Champsosauri Jaekel p. 147 |
1937 | Choristodera Roxo p. 44 |
1946 | Choristodera Kuhn p. 62 |
1956 | Choristodera Russell p. 4 |
1964 | Choristodera Estes p. 99 |
1966 | Choristodera Kuhn p. 35 |
1988 | Choristodera Carroll |
1989 | Choristodera Gauthier et al. p. 345 |
1990 | Choristodera Evans |
1992 | Choristodera Hecht p. 117 |
1993 | Choristodera Cvancara and Hoganson p. 15 |
1998 | Choristodera Gao and Fox p. 306 |
1999 | Choristodera Evans and Manabe p. 103 |
2000 | Choristodera Gao et al. p. 417 |
2001 | Choristodera Peng et al. p. 32 |
2005 | Choristodera Evans and Klembara |
2005 | Choristodera Gao and Fox p. 428 |
2010 | Choristodera Hou et al. |
2016 | Choristodera Ezcurra pp. 270, 282 fig. 48 |
2019 | Choristodera Reiss et al. p. 137 |
2020 | Choristodera Dong et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. †Choristodera Cope 1876 [choristodere]
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G. †Hyphalosaurus Gao et al. 1999
†Hyphalosaurus baitaigouensis Ji et al. 2004
†Hyphalosaurus lingyuanensis Gao et al. 1999
Invalid names: Sinohydrosaurus lingyuanensis Li et al. 1999 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Sinohydrosaurus Li et al. 1999 [objective synonym]
G. †Khurendukhosaurus Sigogneau-Russell and Efimov 1984
†Khurendukhosaurus orlovi Sigogneau-Russell and Efimov 1984
Invalid names: Khurendukhosaurus bajkalensis Efimov 1996 [nomen dubium]
G. †Lazarussuchus Hecht 1992
†Lazarussuchus dvoraki Evans and Klembara 2005
†Lazarussuchus inexpectatus Hecht 1992
G. †Monjurosuchus Endo 1940
†Monjurosuchus manchoukuoensis Zhou and Wang 2010
†Monjurosuchus splendens Endo 1940
Invalid names: Rhynchosaurus orientalis Endo and Shikama 1942 [synonym]
Subor. †Neochoristodera Evans and Hecht 1993
Fm. †Champsosauridae Cope 1876 [champsosaur]
G. †Champsosaurus Cope 1876
†Champsosaurus albertensis Parks 1927
†Champsosaurus ambulator Brown 1905
†Champsosaurus gigas Erickson 1972
†Champsosaurus laramiensis Brown 1905
†Champsosaurus lindoei Gao and Fox 1998
†Champsosaurus natator Parks 1933
†Champsosaurus norelli Brownstein 2022
†Champsosaurus tenuis Erickson 1981
Invalid names: Champsosaurus annectens Cope 1876 [nomen vanum], Champsosaurus australis Cope 1881 [nomen vanum], Champsosaurus brevicollis Cope 1876 [nomen vanum], Champsosaurus inelegans Parks 1933 [nomen vanum], Champsosaurus inflatus Parks 1933 [nomen vanum], Champsosaurus profundus Cope 1876 [nomen vanum], Champsosaurus puercensis Cope 1882 [nomen vanum], Champsosaurus saponensis Cope 1882 [nomen vanum], Champsosaurus vaccinsulensis Cope 1876 [nomen vanum]
G. †Ikechosaurus Sigogneau-Russell 1981
†Ikechosaurus gaoi Lü et al. 1999
†Ikechosaurus magnus Efimov 1979
†Ikechosaurus pijiagouensis Liu 2004
†Ikechosaurus sunailinae Sigogneau-Russell 1981
Fm. †Simoedosauridae Lemone 1884
G. †Kosmodraco Brownstein 2022
†Kosmodraco dakotensis Erickson 1987
†Kosmodraco magnicornis Brownstein 2022
G. †Simoedosaurus Gervais 1877
Invalid names: Simoedosaurus lemoinei Gervais 1877 [nomen dubium], Simoedosaurus peroni Lemoine 1884 [nomen dubium], Simoedosaurus remensis Lemoine 1884 [nomen dubium], Simoedosaurus suessonniensis Lemoine 1884 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Champsosauriformes Hay 1930 [replaced]
Invalid names: Champsosauria Jaekel 1910 [synonym], Hyphalosauridae Gao and Fox 2005 [empty], Monjurosuchidae Endo 1940 [empty], Simoedosauria Dollo [synonym]
Reference | Diagnosis | |
H. F. Osborn 1903 | Amphibious Gavialoid Diaptosauria. Skull greatly elongated; teeth acrodont, internally folded. Vertebrae amphicoelous, imperforate. Hypocentra wanting in dorsals. Dorsal ribs two-headed, attached opposite centra. Interciavicle T-shcped. Pubis and ischium continuous; no puboischiadic foramen. Humerus with ectepi(radio-)condylar foramen. |