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Hesperhyinae was named by Prothero (2015).
It was assigned to Tayassuidae by Prothero (2015) and Prothero (2021).
It was assigned to Tayassuidae by Prothero (2015) and Prothero (2021).
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Subfm. †Hesperhyinae Prothero 2015
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G. †Desmathyus Matthew 1907
†Desmathyus brachydontus Dalquest and Mooser 1980
†Desmathyus pinensis Matthew 1907
G. †Hesperhys Douglass 1903
†Hesperhys antiquus Marsh 1870
Invalid names: Pediohyus Loomis 1910 [synonym]
Reference | Diagnosis | |
D. R. Prothero 2015 | As Wright (1991) discovered, the hesperhyines have a distinctive morphology in their nasal-choanal region (Fig. 2). Instead of the simple broad arcuate choanal margin of most mammals (Fig. 2A), the pterygoids fuse together and push the active choanal opening posteriorly to form a “neochoanal chamber”. The anterior choanal opening thus is left behind as the “plesiochoanal fossa” or “plesiochoanal chamber”. All hesperhyine fossils that adequately preserve this region have this unique plesiochoanal chamber, medially fused pterygoid bones, large pterygoid processes on the alisphenoid, and vertical processes on the palatine bones (see Wright, 1991, 1998). |