Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Aulophyseter was named by Kellogg (1927) [Sepkoski's age data: T Mi-m]. It was considered monophyletic by Uhen et al. (2008).
It was assigned to Hoplocetinae by Simpson (1945), Muizon (1990), McKenna and Bell (1997) and Fordyce and de Muizon (2001); to Aulophyseterinae by Kazár (2002); to Cetacea by Sepkoski (2002); to Physeteroidea by Lambert et al. (2008); and to Physeteridae by Kellogg (1928), Hay (1930), Kellogg (1931), Gondar (1974), Barnes (1977), Carroll (1988), Geisler and Sanders (2003), Uhen et al. (2008), Velez-Juarbe et al. (2015), Marx et al. (2016), Collareta et al. (2017), Berta (2017) and Godfrey and Lambert (2023).
It was assigned to Hoplocetinae by Simpson (1945), Muizon (1990), McKenna and Bell (1997) and Fordyce and de Muizon (2001); to Aulophyseterinae by Kazár (2002); to Cetacea by Sepkoski (2002); to Physeteroidea by Lambert et al. (2008); and to Physeteridae by Kellogg (1928), Hay (1930), Kellogg (1931), Gondar (1974), Barnes (1977), Carroll (1988), Geisler and Sanders (2003), Uhen et al. (2008), Velez-Juarbe et al. (2015), Marx et al. (2016), Collareta et al. (2017), Berta (2017) and Godfrey and Lambert (2023).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1927 | Aulophyseter Kellogg p. 4 figs. Plates 1-9 |
1928 | Aulophyseter Kellogg p. 34 figs. Table 1 |
1930 | Aulophyseter Hay p. 597 |
1931 | Aulophyseter Kellogg p. 361 |
1945 | Aulophyseter Simpson p. 102 |
1974 | Aulophyseter Gondar |
1977 | Aulophyseter Barnes p. 327 |
1988 | Auiophyster Carroll |
1990 | Aulophyseter Muizon p. 298 |
1997 | Aulophyseter McKenna and Bell p. 380 |
2001 | Aulophyseter Fordyce and de Muizon p. 179 |
2002 | Aulophyseter Kazár p. 160 |
2002 | Aulophyseter Sepkoski |
2003 | Aulophyseter Geisler and Sanders p. 28 |
2008 | Aulophyseter Lambert et al. p. 367 figs. Fig. 3 |
2008 | Aulophyseter Uhen et al. p. 575 |
2015 | Aulophyseter Velez-Juarbe et al. p. 15 figs. Fig. 10 |
2016 | Aulophyseter Marx et al. p. 124 |
2017 | Aulophyseter Berta p. 161 |
2017 | Aulophyseter Collareta et al. p. 269 figs. Figure 6 |
2023 | Aulophyseter Godfrey and Lambert p. 66 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
G. †Aulophyseter Kellogg 1927
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†Aulophyseter mediatlanticus Cope 1895
†Aulophyseter morricei Kellogg 1927
Reference | Diagnosis | |
M. D. Uhen et al. 2008 | The teeth of A. morricei, as evidenced by specimens found associated (cataloged in the LACM) are very similar to those of Orycterocetus crocodilinus, being of small diameter, curved, fluted on the surface, with annular rings around the roots, and having no enamel on the crowns. Dorsal cranial elements in the large supracranial basin are markedly asymmetrical and the left narial passage is much larger than the right; there are shallow alveolar grooves that probably had the palatal teeth in ligaments, there being no trace of distinct or vestigial alveoli for the palatal teeth; a large maxillary incisure and a smaller posterior maxillary foramen; more or less flattened, broad, premaxillae forming the dorsal surface of the median portion of rostrum and a deep supracranial basin; right premaxilla expanding behind narial passages into a broad median thin plate which is applied to upper surface of frontal and overlaps the maxilla along its internal margin; left premaxillary turned out of its course by enlargement of the corresponding narial passage and apparently terminated near posterior margin of this passage; premaxillae forming the extremity of rostrum; maxilla relatively thick posterior to antorbital notch and limited posteriorly by transverse crest of supraoccipital, and continued laterally to elevated portion of maxillae; post-narial portion of right maxillary not meeting the left in middle line; tapering zygomatic processes placed rather far anteriorly; small temporal fossa; parietal excluded from vertex of skull; two orifices for the infraorbital system on ventral face of maxilla;; a deep jugular incisure; alisphenoid thin, large, expanded horizontally, bounded anteriorly by supraorbital process of frontal, suturally united posteriorly with squamosal, and in contact with anterior surface of exoccipital; no tympano-periotic recess; optic canal confluent with sphenoidal fissure; foramen ovale pierces basal portion of alisphenoid; large jugulo-acoustic canal (modified from Kellogg, 1927a). Also, Aulophyseter has premaxillae dominating the dorsal surface of anterior part of rostrum; supraoccipital shield low; mesethmoid forming a protruding plate between premaxillae (mesethmoid crest); vomer exposed as a long strip on the palatal surface; palatine not covered by pterygoid; and separate infraorbital foramina (Kazár, 2002). |