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Gastropoda - Euomphalina - Platyceratidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1842Platyostoma Conrad p. 275
1868Exogyroceras Meek and Worthen
1880Platystoma Waagen p. 103
1885Diaphorostoma Fischer
1889Platycerina Miller
1889Platyostoma Miller p. 395
1956Ostlerina Talent and Philip p. 59
1960Platyceras (Platyostoma) Knight et al.
2023Platyostoma Wagner p. G0164

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EubilateriaAx 1987

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Platyostoma Conrad 1842
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Subg. †Platyostoma (Platyostoma) Conrad 1842
Platyostoma adstrictum Lindström 1884
Platyostoma allardycei Clarke 1913
Platyostoma antiquuis Webster 1905
Platyostoma boggsi Rohr et al. 1981
Platyostoma cliftonensis Foerste 1909
Platyostoma cornutum Hisinger 1837
Platyostoma daytonense Foerste 1923
Invalid names: Diaphorostoma niagarense Foerste 1887 [replaced]
Platyostoma deforme Sedgwick and Murchison 1840
Platyostoma delicata Talent and Philip 1956
Platyostoma desmatum Clarke 1904
Platyostoma gebhardi Conrad 1840
Platyostoma grayvillensis Worthen 1882
Platyostoma humile Billings 1866
Platyostoma humilis Clarke and Swartz 1913
Platyostoma incisum Chapman 1916
Platyostoma indica Waagen 1880
Platyostoma insolita Webster 1906
Platyostoma invictus Whidborne 1891
Platyostoma irrasum Fenton and Fenton 1924
Platyostoma lineata Conrad 1842
Platyostoma lutheri Clarke 1904
Platyostoma minutissima Clarke 1885
Platyostoma modesta Webster 1906
Platyostoma muitissima Clarke 1903
Platyostoma naticoides Etheridge, Jr. 1878
Platyostoma pastillus Clarke 1909
Platyostoma perceense Clarke 1908
Platyostoma perforatum Whiteaves 1904
Platyostoma plebeium Hall 1876
Platyostoma rotundatum Clarke 1904
Platyostoma rowei Clarke and Swartz 1913
Platyostoma speciosum Sedgwick and Murchison 1840
Platyostoma strophius Hall 1862
Platyostoma subglobosa Stauffer 1909
Platyostoma triangularis Talent and Philip 1956
Platyostoma tumidum Whiteaves 1892
Platyostoma turbinata Hall 1861
Platyostoma unisulcata Conrad 1842
Platyostoma ventricosum Conrad 1842
Invalid names: Diaphorostoma Fischer 1885 [synonym], Exogyroceras Meek and Worthen 1868 [synonym], Ostlerina Talent and Philip 1956 [synonym], Platycerina Miller 1889 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available