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Rhus (sumac)

Angiospermae - Sapindales - Anacardiaceae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1753Rhus Linnaeus
1899Rhus Knowlton
1914Rhus Berry p. 50
1919Rhus Knowlton
1926Rhus Knowlton
1941Rhus MacGinitie
1959Rhus Brown p. 128
1961Rhus Chandler p. 75
1962Rhus Chandler p. 92
1963Rhus Chandler p. 97
1976Rhus Lakhanpal et al.
1991Rhus Chauhan
1996Rhus Liu et al.
2000Rhus Mabberley
2001Rhus Srivastava and Suzuki

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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. Rhus Linnaeus 1753 [sumac]
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Rhus angustifolium Linnaeus 1753
Rhus bella Heer 1869
Rhus bendirei Lesquereux 1888
Rhus boweniana Lesquereux 1878
Rhus cassioides Lesquereux 1883
Rhus cobbe Linnaeus 1753
Rhus copallinum Linnaeus 1753
Rhus coriaria Linnaeus 1753
Rhus coriarioides Lesquereux 1883
Rhus cotinus Linnaeus 1753
Rhus cretacea Heer 1906
Rhus darlingtonensis Berry 1914
Rhus deleta Heer 1859
Rhus evansii Lesquereux 1871
Rhus frigida Knowlton 1894
Rhus glabra Linnaeus 1753
Rhus heuefleri Heer 1859
Rhus hilliae Lesquereux 1883
Rhus lakensis Chandler 1962
Rhus lesquereuxii Knowlton and Cockerell 1919
Invalid names: Rhus acuminata Lesquereux 1871 [replaced]
Rhus lucidum Linnaeus 1753
Rhus malloryi Wolfe and Wehr 1987
Rhus membranacea Lesquereux 1875
Rhus mensae Cockerell 1908
Invalid names: Rhus metopioides Lesquereux 1878 [replaced]
Rhus metopioides Turczaninow 1858
Rhus milleri Hollick 1904
Rhus mixta Lesquereux 1878
Rhus nervosa Ecklon and Zeyher 1834
Rhus nevadensis Knowlton 1901
Rhus palaeojavanica Srivastava and Suzuki 2001
Rhus payettensis Knowlton 1898
Rhus powelliana Lesquereux 1891
Rhus preintegrifolia Axelrod 1939
Rhus punjabensis Stewart 1874
Rhus radicans Linnaeus 1753
Rhus redditeformis Berry 1912
Rhus sonorensis Axelrod 1939
Rhus subrhomboidalis Lesquereux 1883
Rhus succedanea Linnaeus 1753
Rhus tehachapiensis Axelrod 1939
Rhus tomentosum Linnaeus 1753
Rhus toxicodendroides Ramírez and Cevallos-Ferriz 2002
Rhus toxicodendron Linnaeus 1753
Rhus trifolioides Lesquereux 1883
Rhus typhinoides Lesquereux 1878
Rhus uddeni Lesquereux 1891
Rhus unitus Knowlton and Cockerell 1919
Invalid names: Rhus nervosa Newberry 1868 [replaced]
Rhus viburnoides Knowlton 1918
Rhus westii Knowlton 1891
Rhus winchellii Lesquereux 1883
No diagnoses are available